Answer the new-vs.-established question correctly every time with this tool Take the American Medical Association's advice and answer these five questions to determine definitively if you should treat a patient as new or established for coding purposes. No: The patient is new. Yes: Go on to question # 2. Yes: The patient is established. No: Go on to question #3. No: The patient is new. Yes: Go on to question #4. The providing physician is of the same speciality: The patient is "established." The providing phsician is of a different subspecialty: Go on to question #5. Yes: The patient is established. No: The patient is new.
1. Has the patient ever received any professional services from any physician in this group?
2. Within the past three years, has the patient received any professional service from a particular physician, who is now reporting a service?
3. Has the patient received any professional service from a physician in the group of the same specialty, within the past three years? (CPT defines professional services as those face-to-face services rendered by a physician and reported by a specific CPT code.)
4. Has the patient received care from a physician of the exact same specialty within the past three years, or is a physician of a different subspecialty now providing care?
5. Does the current providing physician have the same tax I.D. as the physician who provided a separate service with in the past 36 months?
Note: You can also find a similar flow chart on page 2 of the Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services Guidelines portion of the CPT 2007: Professional Edition, published by the AMA.