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Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert
Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert
Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 12
Visual Fields:
Clarify Your VF Coding for Glaucoma Suspects
Follow these three tips for solid 92081-92083 claims. Ophthalmologists usually spend a...
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Solidify Your HIPAA Policies and Practices Before the Auditors Come Knocking
All covered entities and business associates are on the audit list, HHS says. HIPAA is...
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ICD-10 Update:
Don't Get Sidelined By These 3 ICD-10 Myths
Don’t assume that ICD-10 will allow you to use the same code twice. With the hea...
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Bust These 5 Common Compliance Myths
Tip: Make a good faith effort to comply with the spirit of the law. Don’t get wa...
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Reader Question:
Specify Refraction Exclusion to Clarify ABN Confusion
Question: Are patients undergoing keratoconus workup or contact lens fitting still requi...
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Reader Question:
MSP Doesn't Change Medicare Consultation Pay
Question: I know Medicare doesn’t reimburse consults anymore, but a new coder we h...
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You Be the Coder:
Cataract Removal With Pupil Stretching
Question: Our ophthalmologist wants me to submit a claim for 66982, along with stretchin...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 11
CCI Update:
CCI Suspends Edits Bundling 92012, 92014 Into Hundreds of Procedures
Claims processing problem prevented modifier 25 from unbundling procedures, CMS says E...
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Government Shutdown:
Medicare Keeps Rolling Despite Shutdown
Your MACs will continue processing payments, enrollment, CMS says. Whether you were wo...
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Advance Beneficiary Notices:
Adding 'G' Modifiers on Your Medicare Claims? Expect Extra Scrutiny
The OIG report puts GA, GZ, GY, and GX in the hot seat. When your practice is billing ...
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Incident-to Billing:
Adding NPP Can Boost Productivity and Income -- But Know the Risks
Be sure you consult your state laws and NPP scope of practice rules before hiring. Hir...
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E/M Errors Top Medicare's List of Improperly Billed Codes in 2012
CERT results reveal $29.6 billion in improper Medicare payments — $1.1 billion of ...
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Reader Question:
Avoid 67210 for Repeat Focal Laser
Question: A patient returns during the 90-day postoperative period of a focal laser...
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Reader Question:
Get Patient Okay Before Disclosing PHI
Question: Who’s authorized to make a request to review a patient’s medi...
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You Be the Coder:
Pars Plana Vitrectomy
Question: Our ophthalmologist performed a pars plana vitrectomy, removing lens frag...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 10
Pre-Cataract Surgery Tests:
76519, 92136: Understand Bilateral Rules and Receive Fair Reimbursement
Check out these common IOL power calculation myths — is one of them tripping up yo...
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Associated Diagnoses
Medicare covers IOL calculation procedures for patients about to undergo cataract surger...
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Conversion to ICD-10 Won't Be A Huge Financial Burden, CMS Reps Say
Plus: ICD-10 claims will allow you to submit the letters as either upper or lowercase, C...
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Practice Management:
Breeze Through HIPAA Audit With 5 Protocol Tips
Try your hand at internal audits first. Random and targeted HIPAA audits are making th...
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Reader Question:
Angle Kappa Measurement Is Incidental
Question: We perform a measurement called angle kappa to help in calculating and choosin...
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Reader Question:
76514 Suffices for Bilateral Pachymetry
Question: I’m trying to submit a claim for 76514 performed on both eyes, but I&rsq...
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Reader Question:
379.31 Proves Necessity for V2219
Question: I’m really confused about codes V2219 and V2319 for Medicare patients. I...
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You Be the Coder:
Post-Op Exam With Unrelated Complaint
Question: We did a general eye exam at the patient’s request within the three-mont...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 9
Ophthalmic Trauma Care:
Know FBR, Laceration Repair Codes and Avoid Claims Emergencies
Tip: Coding depends on location of the ocular foreign body. Treating ophthalmic emerge...
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Part B Payment:
Proposed 2014 Fee Schedule Suggests Steep Cuts
But in 2015, practitioners could finally see bonuses for non-face-to-face services admin...
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ICD-10 Prep:
Let 4 FAQs Help Guide Your ICD-10 Focus
Don’t limit your training to code selection alone. The ICD-10 implementation de...
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Reader Question:
Same Day, Different Procedure Visits
Question: A patient pays a visit to the clinic for a routine eye exam in the morni...
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Reader Question:
Mitigate Late Patient Costs With Block Scheduling
Question: Recently we have had a lot of patients showing up late for appointments....
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You Be the Coder:
Refraction Services
Question: For refraction, should I report a 992xx or 92xxx exam code? Maine Subscrib...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 8
CCI 19.2:
Edits Direct You to Steer Clear of Reporting E/M With Many Procedure
CCI implements bundles for ophthalmological procedures already covered by global period ...
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With Almost $190 at Stake, Don't Miss This Bilateral Strabismus Coding Advice
Check the Medicare fee schedule for important bilateral coding guidelines for 673xx. C...
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E/M Coding:
Take Steps to MDM Determination Success -- Every Time
This system will help you correctly calculate each piece of the MDM puzzle. Are you in...
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Reader Question:
Brush Up on ICD-10 Differences
Question: I’ve seen lots of specific examples of ICD-10 codes, but I think it woul...
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Reader Question:
92015-92140 and 92002-92014 Can Mix
Question: Can the special ophthalmological services be provided and reported with the ge...
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Reader Question:
64612 Describes Botox-Induced Tarsorrhaphy
Question: We have a patient with a corneal ulcer and herpes zoster. To help the healing ...
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Reader Question:
67210 and 67228 Cover 2 Photocoagulation Sessions Within 1 Global
Question: A patient presented with background diabetic retinopathy and retinal edema in ...
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You Be the Coder:
Epilation of Lashes
Question: What is the proper way to code for epilation of lashes? We used to bill per la...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 7
3 Tips Lead to Foolproof Coding for Macular Degeneration Cases
Hint: Check bilateral status before coding. Nearly 2 million Americans have age-relate...
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Don't Be Blind to 3 Factors When Coding Ocular Foreign Body Removals
Look closely at the documentation for these clues to determine the right code assignment...
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Part B Mythbuster:
Check Out These Top 5 ABN Myths
These surprising CMS rules on ABN use are straight from Medicare policy. You’ve ...
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CMS Clarifies 2 Hot Issues
From bilateral billing to signature regs, CMS was busy working on May policy adjustments...
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Reader Question:
Focal Argon Laser for Von Hipple Aneurysms
Question: Can you help me code this scenario? The patient had a recurrent problem with V...
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Reader Question:
Amend Documentation With Care
Question: One of our ophthalmologists wants to amend documentation of a procedure, but w...
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You Be the Coder:
EO for Flashes and Floaters
Question: A patient reports flashes and floaters but the ophthalmologist does not find e...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 6
Cataract Surgery:
3 Scenarios Help Focus Your Cataract Coding
Tip: You can code vitrectomies separately — sometimes. With several possible sur...
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92020 FAQ: Watch Bilateral Status, Diagnoses for Gonioscopy
There may only be one gonioscopy code, but there are several ways you can sabotage your ...
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3 Tips Clean Up Your Incident-To Billing
Steer clear of 2013 OIG Work Plan scrutiny. If your ophthalmology practice utilizes no...
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Reader Question:
Code Only Finished Procedure in Abandoned Photocoagulation
Question: After discussing the risks and benefits of both cryotherapy and photocoagulati...
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Reader Question:
Wait Until Oct. 1, 2014, to Use ICD-10
Question: Our practice is considering submitting claims with ICD-10 codes before the imp...
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Reader Question:
375.15 and 370.21 Are Distinguishable by Condition
Question: Can 375.15 and 370.21 be used interchangeably? When would one be the preferred...
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You Be the Coder:
Bleb Needling
Question: My ophthalmologist performed a needling procedure during the postoperati...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 5
CCI Update:
Include Lens Fitting In These Cornea Codes
Know when you can — and can’t — split bundles. When certain procedur...
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ICD-9 Coding:
Vague Complaints Don't Have to Mean Vague Coding
Tip: Find the cause of these nonspecific complaints to arrive at the correct diagnosis c...
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Cash Flow:
5 Hidden Income Opportunities Ease the Pain of Sequestration Cuts
Your Medicare pay was slashed by 2 percent on April 1 — these tips will help bring...
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Reader Question:
Try 67036 for Posterior Segment Vitrectomy
Question: Our ophthalmologist performed a pars plana vitrectomy, removing lens frag...
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Reader Question:
Make Arrangements for Incident-To Under Locum Tenens
Question: One of the ophthalmologists in our practice will be traveling for two months a...
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Reader Question:
Let Medical Necessity Rule Code Choice
Question: Our ophthalmologist is a very thorough documenter and treats very sick patient...
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Reader Question:
Keep a Record of Your Provider's Signature Variations
Question: We’re having trouble making sure our providers meet signature requiremen...
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You Be the Coder:
Trabeculectomy Suture Removal
Question: I am trying to bill for the removal of sutures the ophthalmologist placed duri...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 4
Show Bleph Procedures Aren't Always Cosmetic
Are you missing out on deserved reimbursement for 15820-15823? Many ophthalmologists a...
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Code Only Once for 2 Visual Field Tests
Because your ophthalmologist performs the VF testing twice, you may be tempted to code t...
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Eyelid Procedures:
67840, 11440-11446, 11640-11646? Find the Right Lesion Removal Code or Risk $116
Tip: If the surgery involves more than the eyelid’s skin, turn to 67840. When yo...
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News You Can Use:
You're Saved From 26.5 Percent Physician Pay Cut
But RVU changes still in effect. Ophthalmologists can expect a reprieve from the dread...
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Consolidated Billing:
Follow 3 Tips to Ensure You Properly Bill Services for Nursing Facility Patients
Don’t wait to check the patient’s status until you are ready to file a claim...
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Reader Question:
Unilateral 92133
Question: We performed an OCT on a patient’s left eye, and filed the claim with 92...
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Reader Question:
365.01 Describes Dx for Normal VF
Question: We had a patient present with high intraocular pressure, a sign of glaucoma, a...
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You Be the Coder:
Untangle This Vision Loss Scenario
Question: For a recent visit, the ophthalmologist’s notes read: Procedure: Exa...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 3
Diagnostic Tests:
92225-92226 Coding: Get to Know These Guidelines for Extended Ophthalmoscopy
With $27 on the line each time, staying on top of carrier rules is critical. Many oph...
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Practice Management:
Get Ready For OIG Scrutiny of Modifiers and More
Audit yourself before the feds come calling. Your ophthalmology practice could come un...
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Visual Fields:
Don't Pick Intermediate VF Code When Extended Code Is Justified
Choosing between 92082 or 92083 can be tricky -- let our expert advice guide you. ...
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E/M Coding:
Implement These 5 Simple Steps to Boost Your E/M Bottom Line
Heads up: Dig past ‘follow-up’ for acceptable chief complaint. E/M coding ...
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Reader Question:
List Referring Doctor's Name for Pachymetry
Question: I am billing pachymetry (76514, 1 unit) with a diagnosis code of 365.04 ...
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Reader Question:
Code Finished, Not Abandoned, Photocoagulation Procedure
Question: After discussing the risks and benefits of both cryotherapy and photocoa...
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Reader Question:
No New Code Describes Paperwork
Question: I’ve heard that CPT® has a new code for reviewing records separate f...
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Reader Question:
Inform Patients Before Collecting Co-Pays Up Front
Question: One of our providers returned from a meeting, saying he had talked to other pr...
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You Be the Coder:
Dx for Post-LASIK Cataracts
Question: A patient who has had LASIK surgery now has cataracts. One of our ophthalmolog...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 2
CCI 19.0 Update:
0308T Bundles: Temporary Ocular Telescope Code Included in Dozens of Eye Codes
Watch for documentation of medical necessity to break bundles. Ophthalmic surgeons in ...
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Does Your Electronic Prescription System Pass Muster?
Get started now to avoid further pay hits in 2014. Incentives for using electronic pre...
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Avoid Billing E/M Service Based on Cloned Documentation, Or the OIG Will Come Knocking
Ensure your EMR is not setting you up for failure. If you have reviewed the HHS Offic...
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Reader Question:
66170 Includes Trabeculectomy Suture Removal
Question: I am trying to bill for the removal of sutures the ophthalmologist placed duri...
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Reader Question:
No Code for Slit-Lamp-Only Exam
Question: One of our ophthalmologists uses a slit-lamp to check on healing after a forei...
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Reader Question:
Legibility Matters, CMS Stresses
Question: I have heard payers are cracking down on illegible provider documentation. My ...
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Reader Question:
Know When to Bill Secondary Payer
Question: We have many patients with secondary insurance, some of which have deduc...
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You Be the Coder:
Damaged Ducts
Question: I am having trouble finding the proper diagnosis code for this claim. The opht...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 1
Retina Treatments:
Seal Off Coding Errors for Leak-Proof Diabetic Retinopathy Coding
$1500 may be at stake for your practice if you report 67210 or 67228 incorrectly. In r...
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Understand Eyelid Modifiers and Avoid Coding Confusion
Do you need E1-E4 for punctal plugs and epilation? Thanks to the abundance of bilatera...
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Modifiers 24 and 57 Will Soon Allow You to Bypass CCI Edits
Plus: You can also override bundles with modifiers LM and RI We’ve all heard the...
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Watch for Extra Scrutiny of Your Ophthalmological Services
Incident-to billing, E/M coding, and more are on the OIG watch list in 2013. If you a...
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Your ICD-10 Transition Plan Should Encompass 6 Phases, Expert Says
A working budget should include every aspect of planning, including productivity trainin...
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Reader Question:
92020, 92285 Tell Slit Lamp With Gonioscopy Story
Question: Our ophthalmologist saw a glaucoma patient and performed a gonioscopy. The oph...
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Reader Question:
92133 or 92134 Answers Nonconclusive HRT Question
Question: How should I code for a nonconclusive HRT? One of our patients had one done, b...
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Reader Question:
92240 Includes ICG Dye
Question: One of our physicians wants to know if we can bill for indocyanine-green dye. ...
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You Be the Coder:
False Esotropia
Question: What ICD-9 code should I report for a diagnosis of pseudostrabismus? Califor...
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Available Years: