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Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert
Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert
Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 12
DME Reimbursement:
V2784 Strategies: Look to Modifiers KX, EY for Keys to DME Reimbursement
Keep medical necessity distinct from patient preference in documentation. If you'r...
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Diagnosis Coding:
6 Steps Pave the Way to Audit-Hardy Coding
Precise coding doesn't require an overly-detailed coding policy. An ICD-9 coding policy ca...
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CPT 2011 Update:
Check Out 65778-65779 for Amniotic Procedures
Tip: Using tissue glue? Stick with 66999.Eye coders, beware: You've got two new codes for ...
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News You Can Use:
Congress Boosts Conversion Factor Through Dec. 31
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule rate won't be cut 23 percent.Although the government appea...
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Reader Question:
95930: PAM or VEP?
Question: Is 95930 the correct procedure code for potential visual acuity meter? Can this ...
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Reader Question:
Save 368.8 for Secondary Dx
Question Many of our patients claim general reasons for their visit, such as "I can't see ...
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Reader Question:
99441-99443: The Hard Truth about Phone Call Pay
Question: Another physician told my ophthalmologist that he's receiving payment from his c...
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Reader Question:
Capture IOL Exchange With 1 Code
Question: What code should I use to report when the ophthalmologist replaces an intraocula...
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Reader Question:
Include ICG Dye in 92240
Question: One of our physicians wants to know if we can bill for indocyanine-green dye. He...
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You Be the Coder:
Conjunctival Concretions
Question: I need a CPT code for removal of conjunctival concretions. The ophthalmologist f...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 11
Retinal Repairs:
67108 or 67112? Don't Let Confusion Derail Your Coding for Recurrent Retinal Repairs
Knowing the difference can mean $262 to your practice.Two retinal repair codes top coders'...
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Modifier Basics:
Follow 3 Rules to Capture Separate E/M Pay
Avoid modifier 25 scrutiny with proper 'separately identifiable' documentation.Reporting a...
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Modifier 25 or 57? Use This Handy Tool to Pick the Right Modifier -- Every Time
Your modifier 25 claims should meet all of the following criteria:The E/M occurs on the sa...
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Reader Questions:
Look to 92060 for EOM Function Test
Question: My ophthalmologist wants to code for a "detailed evaluation of EOM function." Th...
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Reader Questions :
Let Provider Steer Hospice Modifier
Question: When an ophthalmologist who is a non-hospice provider performs a medical visit...
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Reader Questions:
Explore Options for Handling Late or No-Show Patients
Question: We have a few patients who routinely miss appointments or show up late. We'd lik...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding Conjunctival/Corneal FBR Scenarios
Question: An established patient presents to the ophthalmologist with complaints of pain a...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 10
CPT 2011:
92135 Update: Prepare to Distinguish Between Optic Nerve and Retina Laser Scans
Tip: Your bilateral reporting options may change for SCODI next year. Frustrated by th...
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Exam Coding:
Expand Your Coding Options For Patients Refusing Dilation
Tip: You can schedule a second office visit -- but beware this coding stipulationYou ...
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New or Established? Answer Wrong and It Could Cost You
Remember, what used to be a consultation is now likely a 99201-99215 service. Your oph...
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Reader Questions:
Prove Necessity for Large Bifocal Segs
Question: I'm really confused about HCPCS codes V2219 and V2319 for Medicare patients. I k...
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Reader Questions:
Append GY to Refraction Claims
Question: A doctor recently told me that appending modifier GY to the refraction code woul...
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Reader Questions:
Append TC for Baseline Retinal Photos
Question: An ophthalmologist in our practice would like to offer baseline photos, taken wi...
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You Be the Coder:
Cosmetic Ptosis Repair
Question: We have a Medicare patient who will be having a leva to resection on his right e...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 9
Ophthalmic Trauma Care:
Look to Special Services, E/M Codes for Emergency FB Removals, Laceration Repairs
Is it worth your time to report emergency services separately? The answer may depend...
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E/M Services:
Answer 'Separate' or 'Inherent' Question Before You Use Modifier 25
Not all preprocedure services constitute a separate E/M. When an ophthalmologist performs...
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Make Sure You're Ready: Get the ICD-10 Lowdown With Expert Guidelines
You'll need to implement the new 5010 claim form first to be ready for ICD-10. Whi...
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Reader Questions:
Routine Exam for Keratoconus Patient
Question: How should I bill for a routine exam with the diagnosis post-keratoplasty in th...
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Reader Questions:
Tackle Consultations on a Payer-By-Payer Basis
Question: I am still a little confused about the consultation codes 99241- 99245 and 9925...
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You Be the Coder:
Bilateral Echography
Question: I'm trying to submit a claim for 76514 performed on both eyes, but I've be...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 8
Myth Buster:
Don't Let These Bilateral Blunders Stall Your Pay for Pre-Cataract Surgery Tests
Improperly coding IOL Masters or A-scans can cost your practice $30 per patient.Calculatin...
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Consolidated Billing:
3 Simple Steps Put You on the Path to Capturing Payment for Your Nursing Facility Services
Determining whether a patient is in a Part A or Part B stay is your key to proper reimburs...
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Clip and Save:
Overcome Consolidated Billing Troubles With an SNF Contract
Best bet: Use one for every SNF your provider works withTo receive payment for the technic...
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News You Can Use:
Welcome a 2.2 Percent Medicare Pay Boost For the Rest of This Year -- Finally
But the news isn't all good -- first, you faced a week of lower payments, and second,...
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Reader Questions:
Add 67255 for Aqueous Shunt With Graft
Question: My ophthalmologist performed an aqueous shunt but added an additional step. Befo...
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Reader Questions:
Include Schirmer's Test in E/M
Question: Can I separately report Schirmer's tests and E/M services? Wisconsin SubscriberA...
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Reader Questions:
Use Most Specific ICD-9 Code for Visual Fields Claims
Question: We keep getting denials for 92082 and 92083 (Visual field examination ...) linke...
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You Be the Coder:
Trabeculectomy Revision
Question: I am trying to bill a revision for a trabeculectomy. I coded the initial procedu...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 7
Read This Before Your Next Extended Ophthalmoscopy Claim
Ensure you know what qualifies as an EO, and go beyond routine coding.Most eye exams inclu...
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Punctal Plugs:
Follow 3 Steps for Prompt Punctal Plug Payment
Tip: Stress the importance of medical necessity in the documentation to your ophthalmologi...
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Reader Questions:
Report TC for VFs Ordered by Outside Doctor
Question: We performed a visual field ordered by a doctor outside our practice. The patien...
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Reader Questions:
Shun 67312 in This Strabismus Scenario
Question: My ophthalmologist removed a 6.5-mm section of the lateral rectus muscle of a pa...
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Reader Questions:
Include Both Days' Work for Delayed Dilated Exam
Question: How should we handle it when a patient who has come in for a regular eye ex...
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Reader Questions:
Find 'Track or Treat' Evidence for 92285 Claims
Question: Our ophthalmologist performs external ocular photography for a Medicare patient ...
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Reader Questions:
Code Blepharoplasty First in ASC
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...
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Reader Questions:
Focus on 66985 for Secondary Implant
Question: A patient is going to have a secondary IOL implant. Is 66985 the right code? Wha...
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Reader Questions:
Make Sure Your EHR Passes PQRI Muster
Question: We have been participating in the physician quality reporting initiative (PQRI),...
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You Be the Coder:
Trabeculectomy Revision
Question: I am trying to bill a revision for a trabeculectomy. I coded the initial procedu...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 6
Focus on These 6 Tips to Boost Contact Lens Revenue
Supply codes, tech assistance, and host of other options help you report more accurate cla...
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Are These 5 Myths Fouling Up Your FBR Claims?
Hint: Don't treat punctal plugs like foreign bodies.Even more irritating than having somet...
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Reader Questions:
Conduct 3 Tests Before Coding Diurnal Curve Encounters
Question: Is there a code for "diurnal curve testing" for glaucoma, during which the ophth...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Rely on 58 for In-Office Complication Treatment
Question: One week ago, an ophthalmologist in our practice performed a trabeculectomy on a...
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Reader Questions:
Try 64612 for Botox for Blepharospasm
Question: How should I code for Botox injections to control blepharospasm?Tennessee Subscr...
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Reader Questions:
Modify Eye Codes Just Like E/M Codes
Question: I just started working in an ophthalmologist's office and I have a question abou...
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Reader Questions:
Look to Face Time When Reporting Established Patient
Question: Our practice performed a visual field test on a patient who was referred to us b...
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Reader Questions:
Report E/M for Follow-Up Exams After FB Removal
Question: One of our ophthalmologists uses a slit-lamp to check on healing after a foreign...
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You Be the Coder:
Corneal Limbal Relaxation
Question: One of our doctors has started performing the corneal limbal relaxing procedure ...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 5
Break Down Your Coding for Best PC-IOL Payments
Medicare won't cover the full cost, but splitting the bill into covered and non-covered po...
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When Is Cataract Removal 'Complex'?
Don't miss these 66982 coding clues that could earn your practice over $270.When an ophtha...
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Appending Modifier 50 to 92250? Not So Fast
4 strategies help you snap up your rightful fundus photo pay with bundling, dx know-how.Ad...
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Bust ICD-10 Myths With Expert Answers
Hint: You will be able to find hard copy ICD-10 books -- and dozens of new cataract c...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Treat Rust Rings as Foreign Bodies
Question: Our ophthalmologist removed a rust ring from a patient's central cornea, using a...
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Reader Questions:
Find a World of Difference Between XXX and 000 Globals
Question: What's the difference between an "XXX" global period and a "000" global period? ...
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You Be the Coder:
Does Old BB-Gun Injury Have Bearing on Coding?
Question: We have a patient who came in for a routine eye exam, but reported retinal damag...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 4
CCI 16.1 Update:
Watch for Keratoplasty Bundles or Risk Losing Over $1000 in Pay
April also brings changes to your OCT and wound repair coding. If your practice has been ...
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3 Steps Help Resolve 'Medical vs. Vision' Insurance Coding Mixups
When your patient has both types of insurance, who gets the bill? Let the reason for the ...
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Clip and Save:
Endothelial Keratoplasty CCI Edits at a Glance
Get up-to-date with a complete list of Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits affecting cod...
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Reader Questions:
Is Routine Reporting of 92002, V72.0 OK?
Question: Our office has been coding exams (routine exams) as 92002 and V72.0 when we don...
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Reader Questions:
Use Patient Complaint for FBR Coding
Question: The ophthalmologist saw a patient yesterday who had a conjunctival foreign body...
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Reader Questions:
Append GA for Low-Risk Glaucoma Screenings
Question: Our office sometimes performs glaucoma screenings for patients who don't meet M...
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Reader Questions:
Apply Initial EO Code to New Condition
Question: I'm confused about the extended ophthalmoscopy codes. Is 92225 for a new patien...
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Reader Questions:
Monitor Drug Effects
Question: A primary-care physician instructed one of our patients to see an eye doctor a...
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You Be the Coder:
Test Confirms Pseudostrabismus Dx
Question: What ICD-9 code should I report for a diagnosis of pseudostrabismus? Arizona Su...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 3
This Bilateral Strabismus Coding Trick Can Save You Almost $160 Per Procedure
Check the Medicare fee schedule for important bilateral coding guidelines for 673xx. Code...
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You Be the Expert:
Aim for Proper Ametropia ICD-9 Code
Question: Which ICD-9 code should I report for ametropia? Kansas Subscriber Answer: The a...
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Watch Key Conditions to Scratch Eye Allergy Coding Itch
Get the specifics on eye irritation to find the most accurate diagnosis code. The spring ...
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Let These 4 Tips Guide Your E/M Choice
You can still have multiple docs with modifier AI. Get used to a two-tiered system for 20...
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Reader Question:
Describe Graft Revision With 66250
Question: After a pterygium removal, the patient's conjunctival allograft dislocated. The...
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Reader Question:
Wait for Path Report for Eye Lesion Dx
Question: I'm having trouble with a diagnosis code for a lesion removal. The ophthalmolog...
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Reader Question:
Make Sure Mod 59 Applies for Bleph Repair
Question: Our ophthalmic surgeon performed a levator resection (67904), an entropion repa...
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Reader Question:
Document Chief Complaint for Glaucoma Follow-Up
Question: How should I code an office visit for a wheelchair-bound nursing home patient w...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 2
3 Details Help You Pinpoint 67840, 11440-11446, 11640-11646 Lesion Removal Code
Missing this advice could cut $95 from your reimbursement for excisions. When your oph...
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Quickly Choose Between Skin and Margin Codes
Tip: This chart tells you if you're in integumentary or surgery territory. You can cut yo...
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Boost 92135 Pay With This Insider Advice
Get expert answers for your most common SLGT coding questions. If your ophthalmologists a...
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News You Can Use:
CMS to Issue More Guidance on Consult Code Replacements
Best bet: Follow local guidance until more detailed info comes from Medicare. If you've b...
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Reader Question:
Look to Superficial FBR With Irrigation
Question: A new patient who had been taking down Christmas tree lights from his house the...
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Reader Question:
Use Severity to Diagnose Diabetic Retinopathy
Question: A patient with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy reports to the ophthalmolo...
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Reader Question:
Link 92250 to Ophthalmic Manifestation
Question: We submitted a claim for 99204 and 92250 to Medicare. The diagnosis code for bo...
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Reader Question:
Report Humphrey 10-2 Test as 'Extended' VF
Question: We now use 92083 for a 30-2 visual field. We think we should also be using 9208...
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Reader Question:
Make Your Case for Separate Iris Suture
Question: We have a patient who underwent both 66682 and 66982. The insurance company is ...
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Reader Question:
Avoid J2001 for Minor In-Office Procedures
Question: Is there a code we should bill for subcutaneous lidocaine or lidocaine with epi...
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You Be the Coder:
Gold Lid Weight Insertion
Question: How would I code for insertion of gold eyelid weights to correct lagophthalmos?...
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Ophthalmology And Optometry Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 13, Number 1
Rejoice in Return to J9035 for Intraocular Avastin Injections
You can cross out Q2024 -- just three months after its debut. If you haven't adjuste...
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Get to Know Payer Specifics for Gonioscopy
3 FAQs clear up your 92020 coding to improve your claims' success. With only one code for...
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Boost E/M Level with Techs' Work
The OIG is watching, so be sure to meet the incident-to standard. If an auditor comes kno...
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CMS's Refusal to Pay Consults Makes MSP Claims a Headache
If you bill 99241-99255 to private payers, good luck getting Medicare secondary balance. ...
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Is Exophthalmometry Included in Eye Code?
Question: Is there a CPT code for exophthalmometry? Georgia Subscriber Answer: CPT consid...
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Don't Add Eyelid Lesion Sizes
Question: The ophthalmologist removed six lesions from a patient's right upper eyelid in ...
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Shun 65772 for Corneal Limbal Relaxation
Question: One of our doctors has started performing the corneal limbal relaxing procedure...
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Breathe a Sigh of Relief for Conversion Factor
Question: I'm very confused about what Medicare will pay for ophthalmology physician serv...
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You Be the Coder :
Repeat YAG Capsulotomy
Question: The doctor performed a YAG laser capsulotomy. Six months later, during a return...
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Available Years: