Question: CMS lists payment status "E" for new HCPCS code Q2025. What does "E" mean? Arkansas SubscriberAnswer: "E" status means "Excluded from Physician Fee Schedule by regulation," according to the "National Physician Fee Schedule Relative Value File Calendar Year 2010." In other words, CMS doesn't pay for "E" status codes under the physician fee schedule.Code Q2025 (Fludarabine phosphate, oral, 1 mg) is for the oral form of the anticancer drug developed for patients with relapsed B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (204.12, Lymphoid leukemia; chronic; in relapse). The HCPCS code is effective July 1, 2010.Because the code is for an oral drug, reporting rules are different than for intravenous chemotherapy drugs provided by your staff in the office setting. To report Q2025, suppliers submit the claim to the DME MAC (Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor) using the appropriate National Drug Code (NDC), according to Transmittal 1972, Change Request 6809 ( [...]