Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert

Reader Question ~ Read Full V10 Rule

Question: I heard that if a primary malignancy has been excised, I-m supposed to report a category V10 code (Personal history of malignant neoplasm). 

Is this true?

Massachusetts Subscriber

Answer: This V10 rule is true only when the following applies:

1. the physician directs no further treatment to the malignancy site, and

2. the physician notes that there is no more evidence of any existing primary malignancy.

Example 1: A patient has a primary breast neoplasm removed and then returns to your practice for radiation therapy for the breast cancer. You report diagnosis code 174.x (Malignant neoplasm of female breast).

Example 2: A patient returns to your office for a follow-up appointment. The doctor documents that treatment has eradicated the primary breast neoplasm, and he is no longer directing treatment to that site. In this case, you should report V10.3 (Personal history of malignant neoplasm; breast).