Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

J Codes

Question: What is the difference between 0.9 percent sodium chloride 20-ml vial, 250-ml bags, and 500-ml bags? Are there specific J codes for each?

Minnesota Subscriber
Answer:  There is one code to describe sodium chloride J2912 (injection, sodium chloride, 0.9%, per 2 ml). It should be used for each 2 ml given by intravenous (IV) injection. If more than 2 ml is used per patient,  bill for the amount of sodium chloride used by reporting the number of units given. For instance, 4 ml of sodium chloride administered to a patient is coded by entering J2912 with a 2 specified in the days unit column on the HCFA 1500 form.
Sodium chloride 0.9 percent is the same as a normal saline injection. The codes for sodium chloride 0.9 percent or normal saline infusion depend on the amount given. When sodium chloride 0.9 percent is used for infusion via IV bags, 1,000 ml, it is coded J7030 (infusion, normal saline solution, 1,000 cc). When it is provided in 500-ml bags, report J7040 (... sterile [500 ml = 1 unit]); and when used in 250-ml bags, code J7050 (... 250 cc).
Any volume of IV fluids under 250 ml is part of the chemotherapy administration fee and is not a separately allowed service. Charges for this code should be included in the fee(s) for chemotherapy administration, 96410.

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