Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Check New Codes for Brachytherapy

Question: We received a denial for brachytherapy code 77327 on grounds that the code was incorrect. Our physician prepared an intermediate brachytherapy plan from 5 sources. Can you please advice on the correct code for this service?

Colorado Subscriber

Answer: Effective Jan 1, 2015, 77327 (Brachytherapy isodose plan; intermediate [multiplane dosage calculations, application involving 5 to 10 sources/ribbons, remote afterloading brachytherapy, 9 to 12 sources) was deleted. Codes 77326, 77327, and 77328 have also been deleted. They have been replaced by new codes for brachytherapy:

  • 77316, Brachytherapy isodose plan; simple (calculation[s] made from 1 to 4 sources, or remote afterloading brachytherapy, 1 channel), includes basic dosimetry calculation(s)
  • 77317, Brachytherapy isodose plan; intermediate (calculation[s] made from 5 to 10 sources, or remote afterloading brachytherapy, 2-12 channels), includes basic dosimetry calculation(s)
  • 77318, Brachytherapy isodose plan; complex (calculation[s] made from over 10 sources, or remote afterloading brachytherapy, over 12 channels), includes basic dosimetry calculation(s).

How are the new codes different? The new codes 77316, 77317, and 77318 define the levels of remote afterloading brachytherapy in terms of channels in contrast to the earlier codes that defined these in terms of sources. In addition, these codes are inclusive of basic dosimetry.