Reader Question:
80053 Requires All Listed Components
Published on Mon May 14, 2012
Question: The physician ordered a basic metabolic panel and hepatic function panel for a patient. Do we report 80053 since it includes the other tests?Oregon SubscriberAnswer: No, you should code each panel individually with 80076 (Hepatic function panel ...) and either 80047 (Basic metabolic [Calcium, ionized] . . .) or 80048 (Basic metabolic panel [Calcium, total] ...). Pay special attention to the tests each panel must include before you report the code:Code 80047 includes ionized calcium, carbon dioxide, chloride, creatinine, glucose, potassium, sodium, and urea nitrogen (BUN)Code 80048 includes total calcium, carbon dioxide, chloride, creatinine, glucose, potassium, sodium, and urea nitrogen (BUN)Code 80076 includes albumin, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, alanine amino transferase (ALT) (SGPT), and aspartate amino transferase (AST) (SGOT).Compare those to 80053 (Comprehensive metabolic panel; this panel must include the following: Albumin [82040], Bilirubin, total [82247], Calcium, total [82310], Carbon dioxide [bicarbonate] [82374], Chloride [82435], [...]