Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert

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Tackle 2 CCI and ICD-9 Announcements From CMS

Learn the answer to whether an ICD-9 update freeze will go through.Here's the scoop on two recent CMS releases that could affect your practice.1. Get Up to Speed on Latest CCI EditsThe most recent version of the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits for physicians went into effect Oct. 1, 2010. There are two revisions radiation oncology practices should watch for:First, CCI changed the modifier indicator from 0 (never override edit) to 1 (possible to override edit with modifier) for the edit bundling the following codes:Column 1: 77290 -- Therapeutic radiology simulationaided field setting; complexColumn 2: 77280 -- ... simple.Second, you'll want to be sure to check your edits before reporting an E/M service with a radiation treatment delivery code, whether external or brachytherapy. CCI adds a long list of bundles for these codes. The good news is that you're unlikely to be reporting radiation delivery with most of the bundled E/M codes, [...]
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