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Put Place of Service Rule Change On Hold Until October 1
Published on Mon May 14, 2012
There may be more changes on the way. For CMS rules, keeping up with effective dates is almost as tough as keeping up with the rules themselves. Consider Medicare Transmittal 2407, which focuses on place of service (POS) coding rules, discussed in "CMS Update: POS 34 Isn't Your Only Option for Hospice Patients" in Oncology Coding Alert, vol. 14, no. 4. At the time of the article's publication, the transmittal was set to be effective April 1, 2012, with an implementation date of April 2. New effective date: CMS announced that the new effective and implementation dates have been set as Oct. 1, 2012. To review the rules and the announcement, you'll need to check Transmittal 2435, which replaced Transmittal 2407. The new Transmittal states: "Transmittal 2407, dated February 3, 2012, is being rescinded and replaced by Transmittal 2435 to change the effective date from April 1, 2012, to October [...]