96360, +96361: Hydration in Focus for Oncology/Hematology Practices
Published on Mon May 14, 2012
Tackle 3 common areas of confusion. Questions about proper hydration coding are by no means rare, whether you're trying to understand the basics or need to delve into the confusing world of hydration with chemotherapy infusions. Here are the answers to three top hydration coding questions. 1. How Does the 31-Minute Rule Apply? Question: If we use the initial hydration code for the first half-hour, how do we use the subsequent code? Is it for every half-hour or every hour? What are the rules on rounding the time? Answer: CPT® guidelines instruct you not to report 30 minutes or less of hydration separately. Code 96360 (Intravenous infusion, hydration; initial, 31 minutes to 1 hour) is appropriate for the initial 31 to 60 minutes of hydration time, according to the definition. As a result, 96360 will suffice for up to 90 minutes of hydration. Here's why: For 96360, documentation must indicate [...]