Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert

ICD-9 Coding:

Follow These Tips to Feel Certain About Coding Uncertain Neoplasms

Mastering uncertain vs. unspecified is an oncology coding essential.Unless you've got the terms "uncertain" and "unspecified" down pat, you're setting yourself up for miscoded claims. Take a look at our experts' explanations and examples to make sure you know the difference.Know How the Neoplasm Table Can HelpTo understand the uncertain/unspecified distinction, you need to comprehend the overall neoplasm diagnostic classification scheme. The ICD-9 neoplasm table distinguishes cancers as malignant, benign, uncertain, or unspecified. Starting with the malignant/benign difference will help you understand the "uncertain" classification.Malignant: A malignant neoplasm is cancerous and may be invasive or noninvasive (also called in situ), explains R.M. Stainton Jr., MD, president of Doctors' Anatomic Pathology Services in Jonesboro, Ark.For invasive cancers, you also have to choose between primary and secondary. "Primary" means that the cancer arises from surrounding cells. "Secondary" means that the cancer metastasized (spread) from a primary malignancy located elsewhere in the body.For [...]
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