The new range has the same fifth digits as your ICD-9 bladder neoplasm options.
From trigone to urachus, your ICD-9 options for primary malignant bladder neoplasms are fairly detailed. Perhaps that's why the ICD-10 range for the same diagnoses is a precise one-to-one match to ICD-9.
Look to these code choices for ICD-9 and the crosswalk for ICD-10.
Coder tips: Whether you're using ICD-9 or ICD-10, you'll need to assign the final digit of a bladder cancer diagnosis based on anatomic location, such as lateral wall (188.2, C67.2). If you want to get a look at other neoplasm coding changes to come, malignant neoplasms are in sections C00-D94 for ICD-10.
When ICD-10 goes into effect on Oct. 1, 2013, you should apply the code set and official guidelines in effect for the date of service reported. Learn more at and