Evaluation and Management:
3 Rules Help Keep Your E/M Claims Inside the Guidelines
Published on Wed Feb 15, 2012
Warning: Cloned notes aren't just a risk with EHR.If you're concerned your practice could be in an E/M coding rut, check out the following tips shared during the recent webinar, "E/M: Introducing the Guidelines," presented on Jan. 18, 2012, by Palmetto GBA, a Part B MAC.1. Avoid Writing the Same Thing for Every Patient. Although you might think of "cloned documentation" as only existing when using electronic health records (EHRs), the truth is that even paper records can be considered "cloned" if they are all worded exactly alike."Whether the cloned documentation is handwritten, the result of a pre-printed template, or use electronic health records, cloning of documentation will be considered misrepresentation of the medical necessity requirement for coverage of services," said Carrie Weiss, senior provider education consultant with Palmetto, during the call.Even if you see seven patients with the same diagnosis on the same date of service, they won't all [...]