Restrict V58.61 to Secondary Spot
Published on Sun Nov 27, 2011
For your PT test monitoring encounters, be sure to limit V58.61 to the secondary diagnosis role. In Oncology and Hematology Coding Alert, Vol. 11, No. 10, the second section of "Conquer In-Office Coumadin Coding, Easy as 1-2-3" incorrectly indicated that V58.61 should be a primary diagnosis. The section should read as follows: "Do this: If the reason for the PT test is to monitor the anticoagulation medication's effectiveness, look to V58.83 (Encounter for therapeutic drug monitoring) as your primary diagnosis. ICD-9 instructs you to 'Use additional code for any associated long-term (current) drug use,' and in the case of Coumadin, you should report V58.61 (Long-term [current] use of anticoagulants)."