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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert
Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert
Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 12
3 Strategies Help You Improve Coding for Stem Cells
We'll show you how to recoup stem-cell transplantation pay When oncologists perform stem...
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Clip-and-Save Checklist:
Get a Grip on Stem-Cell Transplantation Codes
If you're looking for a way to remember all the procedure codes for stem-cell transplantat...
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Is Your Office Losing Money on Diagnostic PSAs?
Link the right ICD-9 code to 84153 The next time the oncologist uses diagnostic prostate ...
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Use Documentation to Avoid Prolonged Service Denials
Experts answer your prolonged care FAQs Don't let the abundance of guidelines for codes 9...
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PSA Testing:
Know Which ICD-9 Codes to Use
Clip and save the following CMS-approved ICD-9 codes that medically justify an oncologis...
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The October/November 2003 Oncology Coding Alert article "How to Use Modifier -59 to Unbund...
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Reader Question:
Watch Out for Modifier -25
Question: Recently our carrier rejected my claim for 99214-25 and 71010. What did I do wro...
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Reader Question:
Append -52 to Halted CT
Question: Our radiation oncologist used computed tomography (CT) guidance to biopsy a panc...
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Reader Question:
Medicare Doesn't Reimburse Gleevec
Question: What documentation should we use to support our oncologist's off-label use of Gl...
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Reader Question:
CPT Intended 76140 for Physicians
Question: Should we append modifier -26 to 76140 when the oncologist consults on x-rays?Wi...
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You Be the Coder:
Reporting Hospice Oversight
Question: Which procedure codes should we report for our oncologist's oversight of hospice...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 10-11
4 Tips for Boosting Your Clinical Treatment Coding Accuracy
Here's how to report 77261-77263 and get paid If you're not sure how to report 77261-7726...
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Clip and Save:
A Complex Planning Checklist
Think you know all you need to know about planning for complex radiation treatment therapy...
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Reporting Special Services Codes
What you never want to do Documentation: One word says it all when you're reporting speci...
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How to Use Modifier -59 to Unbundle Chemotherapy Codes
You know you should use modifier -59 to indicate when the oncologist performs separate, me...
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Watch Out for These Leukemia Coding Pitfalls
If your oncology practice expects you to report 99211 and other E/M codes for dispensing o...
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Think You've Made Your Case for Modifier -22?
Not if you haven't done these 4 things If you're appending modifier -22 (Unusual procedur...
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Easy Access:
Review These Modifier -22 Do's and Don'ts
Make sure you run through your list of do's and don'ts before submitting your claim for pa...
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Want to Use 79030 and 79035? Here's How
Radiation oncology coders should come prepared when they report 79030 or 79035, because th...
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Which Codes to Use When Reporting Thyroid Scan Treatments
Refer to this clip-and-save checklist for your next thyroid coding challenge When it come...
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Reader Question:
Use -Q5 for Reciprocal Billing
Question: In what situations should we use modifier -Q5?Tennessee Subscriber Answer: If a...
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Reader Question:
List 199.1 for Neurendocrine Carcinoma
Question: What is the diagnosis code for neurendocrine carcinoma? We could find no specifi...
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Reader Question:
Recoup Costs for Blood Work
Question: Many lung transplantation (32851, Lung transplant, single; without cardiopulmona...
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Reader Question:
Forfeit Pay for Indirect Prolonged Services
Question: Will Medicare carriers reimburse our oncologist for more than 30 minutes of addi...
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Reader Question:
Consultation Codes to Follow
Question: A patient's primary-care physician (PCP) noticed a suspicious growth on a patien...
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Reader Question:
Learn to Live Without 99050 and 99058
Question: We recently began operating an after-hours walk-in clinic for urgent conditions....
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Reader Question:
No ICD-9 Code for Disability Evaluation
Question: My oncologist frequently treats patients on disability. How should I report the ...
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Reader Question:
Append Modifier -22 to Surgical Codes
Question: How should I decide whether managing excessive bleeding that requires extra phys...
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Reader Question:
Don't Append Modifier -26 to 76140
Question: Should we append modifier -26 to 76140 when we perform a consultation on x-rays?...
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Reader Question:
Add 76085 to Bilateral Mammograms
Question: CPT 2003 states that coders should report add-on code 76085 with the bilateral...
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Reader Question:
Report Angiogram Codes Separately
Question: When my oncologist performs chemoembolization, I report both 37204 and 75894. Bu...
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You Be the Coder:
Separate Code for Pump Disconnection
Question: Can we report a code for our oncologist disconnecting a pump following chemother...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 9
Get Optimal Pay for Screening and Diagnostic Mammograms:
Experts Show You How
If you're not sure whether to use 76092 or 76090 when a patient has a screeningturned-diag...
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6 Expert Tips to Boost Your ICD-9 Coding Accuracy
If you continually make the same mistakes with oncology-related ICD-9 codes, you could att...
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Screening or Diagnostic? Test Your Mammogram Identification Skills
Test your ability to determine whether a screening or diagnostic mammogram should be cod...
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How to Report Heparin and Saline - and Get Paid
Learn to Bill J Codes Properly With Chemo Infusion As an oncology coder who de...
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Reader Question:
Submit 90784 Claims Separately From E/M Services
Question: How can we properly bill for 90784 when our oncologist performs a therapeutic in...
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Reader Question:
Report 203.xx With 198.5
Question: A coworker at our oncology practice told me that I should never report 203.xx (M...
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Reader Question:
Use V Codes for Supplemental Diagnoses
Question: Should we use V58.1 as a primary diagnosis for chemotherapy treatment?Wisconsin ...
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Reader Question:
Selectively Report E/Ms With Prostate Screenings
Question: What are the rules for coding prostate cancer screenings? Can we report E/M serv...
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Reader Question:
Use 99211 for Prothrombin Counseling
Question: Can we use 99211 (Office or other outpatient visit) for the time a nurse spent a...
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Reader Question:
Base Brachytherapy Code on Catheters
Question: One of our radiation oncologists performed a breast brachytherapy using a Mammos...
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Reader Question:
Bill 202.01 for Lymphoma in Remission
Question: We have a patient with nodular lymphoma that our oncologist has documented as in...
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You Be the Coder:
Does Medicare Reimburse for Lung Tumor Ablation?
Question: Our radiation oncologist performed a computed tomography (CT)-guided lung tumor ...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 8
Reclaim Your Denied IMRT and Dosimetry Payments With NCCI, Version 9.2
If Medicare denied your separate billing of 77300 and 77301 when your oncologist perform...
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Want to File 77300 With Confidence? Heres How
Reporting 77300 multiple times in one claim can create confusion for the coder who doesnt ...
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News You Can Use:
NCCI Deletes G0242 Bundles
Use this quick key for easy access to these bundling edits.Now when your radiation oncolog...
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Take Your Coding to the Next Digit:
CMS Gets Specific With Sickle-Cell Disease
Oncology coders will finally be able to report different forms of sickle-cell disease with...
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Stay Up-to-Date on ICD-9 Changes
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Reader Question:
Use Modifier -24 for Unrelated E/M Services
Question: A gynecologic oncologist who also performs chemotherapy administration sees a pa...
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Reader Question:
Report 78460 for Multiple Thallium Studies
Question: How should we bill for multiple thallium studies with multiple-gated acquisition...
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Reader Question:
Learn CMS Guidelines for Pap Smears
Question: During a chemotherapy treatment, a Medicare patient requested a Pap smear, whi...
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Reader Question:
Bill 96414 for Office Chemotherapy Infusion
Question: We send pumps home with some of our patients and need to know how to bill for ...
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You Be the Coder:
Nurse-Only Allergy Injections
Question: Our nurse injects a patients allergy medication. Can we charge for a nurse-only ...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 7
Should You Bill for Multiple Radiation Treatments on the Same Day?
If you thought you couldn't get paid for multiple radiation treatments on the same day, ...
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Watch Out:
Monitor Your 20-MeV Code Usage
Keep a careful eye on how often you report 20-MeV codes (77406, 77411 and 77416) if you b...
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Radiation Therapy Made Simple:
Code Checklist
Need to refresh your memory of CPT codes for radiation therapy delivery services? Take a l...
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Document 38220, 38221:
Heres How
Need direction on how to educate your oncologist regarding unbundling 38220 (Bone marrow; ...
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Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration Revisited - How to Unbundle 38220, 38221 for Better Pay
The advice youve read and heard about coding bone marrow aspirations and biopsies could ...
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Reader Questions:
Distinguish Between a Screening and Diagnosis
Question: How can I determine whether a mammogram should be coded as screening (76092) o...
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Reader Questions:
Report 77427 for 3 or More Radiation Fractions
Question: How should our oncology practice code for more than five fractions in a radiatio...
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Reader Questions:
Use 99201-99205 for Independent Second Opinions
Question: After a patients oncologist diagnosed him with stomach cancer (151.0, Malignant ...
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Reader Questions:
Bill Incident-To Services Correctly
Question: A patient came into our multiphysician oncology practice for her monthly chemoth...
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Reader Questions:
File E/M, Chemotherapy Administration Separately
Question: My oncologist and I disagree about whether we should bundle E/M services (99211-...
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Reader Questions:
Bill Patients Who Refuse to Sign ABNs
Question: Which modifier should I report when a patient signs an advance beneficiary notic...
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You Be the Coder:
Physician Supervision of Hospice Care
Question: Our oncologist has been supervising the care of a hospice patient with brain can...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 6
Dont Let Special Handicap Your Payment:
Show Payers Dynamite Documentation
What's so special about your physician's work? If payers can't answer this questio...
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Increase Pay by 18 Percent:
Maximize Incident-To
Just a change in identification and the right documentation and payers will see ...
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Report This Tricky Example Incident-To
Check your incident-to coding skills: How would you report this shared E/M service...
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Ace TACE Payments:
Identify, Breakdown Services
Chemoembolization should block blood from flowing to tumors not block your cash flo...
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Reader Question :
Use This List for Unlisted Procedures
Question: What documentation must I have to report an unlisted-procedure code, such ...
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Reader Question :
Rake In the Green With CADD Pumps
Question: What is a CADD pump, and how should I code for it? Mississippi Subscriber...
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Reader Question :
For Uncertain Neoplasm Behavior, Specify Site
Question: The physician's documentation shows a neoplasm with uncertain behavior o...
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You Be the Coder:
New Zevalin Codes
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looki...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 5
Bone Marrow Biopsies + Aspirations:
Modifier Moves You Should and Shouldnt Make
Say goodbye to modifier -51 (Multiple procedures) and hello to modifier -59 (Distinc...
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Bone Marrow Biopsy Coding Tip:
Dont Misuse Modifier -50: It Means Bilateral
When the definition says "bilateral," it means "bilateral." Don't append modifier -50 ...
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Test Your Coding Knowledge:
Quiz Yourself on Chemotherapy, Pumps,Flushes and More
You can read coding articles until you're blue in the face, but if you can't remem...
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Mammograms for Breast Implants:
A Coding Challenge You Cant Afford to Overlook
A fine line separates screening and diagnostic mammogram tests, and you had better not...
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Reader Question:
Stop Limiting Pelvic US Payments
Question: Our physician performed a nonobstetric ultrasound of the pelvic region on a ...
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Reader Question:
Block 77280 Audits,Denials
Question: Our clinic has heard a lot about groups getting audited for block verificati...
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You Be the Coder:
Expect Trouble With Males
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looki...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 4
Extract Breast Biopsy Payment With BIRADS Level and Pathology Report
Surgical and radiological oncology coders, you can increase the size of your breas...
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Pick the Right Coding Option For Your Physicians Extra Time
Your oncologist may have spent extra time, but you shouldn't. Select the correct cod...
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News Flash:
Payment for Three Drugs Just Got Easier
In the past six months, three drugs graduated from the often-denied "off-label" drug s...
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Separate Water From Drugs to Catch More Chemo Payment
Stop pouring the dollars down the drain. Many of your chemotherapy patients need hyd...
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Reader Question:
Report Basic Assessments Infrequently
Question: We have nurses routinely assess our oncology patients. What type of assessme...
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Reader Question:
Stop Waiting for Standby Payment
Question: We have been told that physicians or surgeons have to be in the physical pre...
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Reader Question:
Track Your Physicians CPO Time
Question: We are having problems collecting payment for care plan oversight (CPO) serv...
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You Be the Coder:
Payment for Dual Work
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 3
Step Up to the Plate:
Report 99211 with 96410
Many oncology coders mistakenly believe E/M services and chemotherapy services ar...
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Fight for Your Modifier -25 Claims With These 4 Simple Suggestions
Who knew that one little modifier could do so much damage for coders? Put modi...
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G Code Changes Prostate Brachytherapy Pay-Up
As Medicare continues to scale back payment for the time-intensive, complex work inv...
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Reader Question:
Get Over 77280 Nerves
Question: Our clinic has heard a lot about groups getting audited for block verifi...
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Reader Question:
Only Code Diagnostic Mammogram
Question: My oncologist performed a routine screening mammogram on a 66-year-old Med...
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Reader Question:
Aspire to Grasp 19000
Question: What is the difference between the codes for fine needle aspiration and ...
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Reader Question:
End Possibility Dx Coding
Question: My oncologist reported "possible lymphoma" as the diagnosis for one of his...
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You Be the Coder:
Dont Code Cancer for Phlebotomy
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before loo...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 2
3-D Simulation Takes Radiation Oncology into the Next Dimension
Radiation oncology coders working with practices that perform complex radiation tr...
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Tips for Billing Consultations in and out of the Office
Although oncologists frequently provide consultations, properly reporting these E/M se...
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Highlights from the 2003 Physician Fee Schedule:
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy Blues Remain
Ambiguous statements by Medicare in the 2003 Physician Fee Schedule re...
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News Brief:
No New G Code for Bone Marrow
In the 2003 Physician Fee Schedule, Medicare has axed a proposed G code (GXXXX) that wou...
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Reader Question:
Distinguish between Supervising and Ordering Physicians
Question: Our physicians sign their own chemotherapy orders. However, one of our phy...
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Reader Question:
Dont Overlook Modifier -25
Question: During a scheduled bone marrow biopsy, our oncologist typically performs a p...
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Reader Question:
Bill V58.1 with Interrupted Chemo and Pretreatment
Question: I have a question regarding pretreatment drugs. Recently, a patient was pret...
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Reader Question:
How to Use Observation Codes with Chemo
Question: Please tell me if it is appropriate to use observation care E/M codes if a p...
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Reader Question:
Modifier -27 Is Made for Hospitals
Question: I work at a cancer center at a teaching hospital. Lately, we have been getti...
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You Be the Coder:
Follow-up to E/M Portion of IMRT
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before lo...
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Oncology & Hematology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 1
Bill for SNF Patients Without Losing Your Mind or Your Shirt
When billing for skilled nursing facility (SNF) patients who present to your oncolog...
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How to Collect on Chemotherapy for Non-Cancerous Conditions
Inserting the wrong variable in the equation can result in mystifying denial patterns....
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Code Chemistry Changes Conservatively or Else
Numerous changes to the Hematology section of the 2003 CPTcode descriptors are desig...
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Reader Question:
No Whole Influenza Vaccine in 2003
Question: I heard that the code for flu vaccine (90659) has been changed to 90658 in...
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Reader Question:
PunchIn a Simple Code for Biopsy
Question: I was working on a pathology report that made reference to a "punch biopsy."...
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Reader Question:
Methotrexate Allows for E/M
Question: If a physician administers an intramuscular injection of methotrex...
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Reader Question:
Use Modifier -GA With ABNs
Question: I would like to know what modifier to use when a patient signs an ABN for ...
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Reader Question:
Injection and Q Codes
Question: Please advise me if a hospital-based practice can bill an injection code 90...
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Reader Question:
Bill Hospice Components With Care
Question: Our doctor had a patient who was transferred to hospice and is in a nursing ...
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Reader Question:
Breast Cancer Returns in Lung
Question: How should we code a metastatic breast cancer in which the breast was re...
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You Be the Coder:
Outpatient Chemotherapy Precludes E/M Billing
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking...
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Available Years: