Question: A patient came to the hospital with pelvic pressure and pain at 18 weeks. The U/S results showed prolapsing membranes. After a physician/patient discussion, the patient decided to let nature take its course. The Patient admitted for an attempt at stopping labor and antibiotics and tocolytics were given. The Patient had an incompetent cervix and the baby delivered in her hospital room bathroom while the patient was on the toilet with physician out of the room. Five attempts were made to deliver the placenta that was half in and out of cervix with no luck. The physician took patient to the operating room to try to tease out the placenta, but was still not able to get it out. So he placed her in stirrups and grasped placenta with a ring clamp and teased it out of the cervix. He then did a D&C to ensure there was no residual POC left. Can I start with billing an obstetrics code 99235? He had been monitoring her for several hours; delivery of placenta; and doing the D&C?
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