Solve These Top-3 Multiple Gestation Coding Challenges
Published on Wed Jun 13, 2007
Make sure you-re reporting the correct amniocentesis code for twins You may not code for multiple-gestation services every day, but don't let your skills get rusty. If you-re not capturing all the associated services, your practice's bottom line could suffer.
Our experts tackle your top-three questions and give you the solutions you need to create the perfect multiple-gestation care and delivery claims every time. 1. How Should I Report the Delivery? Multiple by vagina: If your patient is having twins, most ob-gyns first attempt a vaginal delivery as long as the physician hasn't identified any complications. In this case, you should report 59400 (Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery [with or without episiotomy, and/or forceps] and postpartum care) for the first baby and 59409-51 (Vaginal delivery only [with or without episiotomy and/or forceps]; multiple procedures) for the second, says Rebecca Lopez, CPC, certified coder for Bright Medical Associates in Whittier, Calif.
Keep in mind: You might also append modifier 22 (Unusual procedural services) to the global delivery code (59400) if the patient has had more than the average 13 visits. Check with your payer because this may vary with each of them.
Good advice: Send a letter of explanation with the claim to avoid immediate denial by the claim processor. A simple form letter explaining the high-risk nature of multiple-gestation pregnancies will routinely go straight to medical review and save the hassle of denial resubmissions or lost reimbursement through write-offs.
First vaginal, second cesarean: If the physician delivers the first baby vaginally but the second by cesarean, assuming he provided global care, report 59510 (Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, cesarean delivery, and postpartum care) for the second baby and 59409-51 for the first, Lopez says. You should include 651.01 (Twin pregnancy; delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition) and V27.2 (Twins, both liveborn) as diagnoses, she adds.
For the second twin born by cesarean, use additional ICD-9 codes to explain why the ob-gyn had to perform the c-section -- for example, malpresentation (652.6x, Multiple gestation with malpresentation of one fetus or more) -- and the outcome (such as V27.2, Twins, both liveborn).
Multiple by c-section: When the doctor delivers all of the babies, whether twins, triplets, etc., by cesarean, you should submit 59510. Don't forget: -You should add modifier 22 to 59510,- says Jenny Baker, CPC, professional services coder at the Center for Womens Health in Portland, Oregon. Because the ob-gyn made only one incision, he performed only one cesarean, but the modifier shows that the physician performed a significantly more difficult delivery due to the presence of multiple babies. Be sure to include a letter with the claim that outlines the additional work that the ob-gyn performed to give the [...]