Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Symbols and Chart Explain V Code Order

Question: What rules apply to reporting V codes with E/M office visits? Can we report screening codes as a primary diagnosis?Connecticut SubscriberAnswer: You can report some V codes as a primary diagnosis with an E/M visit, but others are only used as additional diagnoses. Symbols beside codes designate the category for each V code. For example, ICD-9 directs you to list V70.3 (Other general medical examination for administrative purposes) as a first diagnosis; submit V69.0 (Problems related to lifestyle; lack of physical exercise) as a primary or additional diagnosis; only report V15.82 (Other specified personal history presenting hazards to health; history of tobacco use) as an additional diagnosis.Tip: Check the guidelines section of your ICD-9 book for a V code table outlining when you should report each diagnosis.ICD-10: When your coding system changes from ICD-9 to ICD-10 in 2013, your codes will change as follows: V70.3= Z02.89, Encounter for other [...]
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