Ob-Gyn Coding Alert


Start Applying This CCI 15.2 Edit as of July 1

Question: I saw that CMS released the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits version 15.2. Are there any edits that will affect my ob-gyn practice? Georgia Subscriber Answer: You have only one bundle to start applying as of July 1. You should now consider +96376 (Therapeutic,prophylactic, or diagnostic injection [specify substance or drug]; each additional sequential intravenous push of the same substance/drug provided in a facility [List separately in addition to code for primary procedure]) a part of +58110 (Endometrial sampling [biopsy] performed in conjunction with colposcopy [List separately in addition to code for primary procedure]) as well as all of the delivery codes (59400-59622). Rationale: Code +96376 is an add-on code that you can bill only with an initial IV push drug. For instance, you'll see that CCI already bundles 96374 (... intravenous push, single or initial substance/drug) and +96375 (...each additional sequential intravenous push of a new substance/drug) into [...]
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