Ob-Gyn Coding Alert


Location Determines Cyst Excision Code

Question: What procedure code should I use for the excision of a periurethral cyst?

Maine Subscriber

Answer: The closest you are going to come to a code that accurately describes "excision of a periurethral cyst" is 53250 (Excision of bulbourethral gland [Cowper's gland]), 53260 (Excision or fulguration; urethral polyp[s], distal urethra), or 53270 (... Skene's glands), depending on the documentation.

Ask your ob-gyn to look at the descriptors of these codes to see which one most closely resembles the procedure performed. If the cyst was more into the vaginal wall, you could also consider 57135 (Excision of vaginal cyst or tumor).

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