Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Count Postpartum Preventive as Part of Global Ob

Question: A provider did a Pap/pelvic breast exam and talked about birth control. Should I bill for a pre-ventive exam at the time of a postpartum visit, or should I count this as part of the global ob package? Would modifier 24 apply?

California Subscriber

Answer: You should consider it included. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)'s perinatal guidelines, the follow-up postpartum visit includes: -evaluation of weight, blood pressure, breasts, and abdomen,

as well as a pelvic exam. Episiotomy repair and uterine involution should be evaluated and Pap test done if needed. Methods of birth control should be reviewed or initialed.-

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