Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Try This Different Day, Different Delivery Twin Scenario

Question: A patient admitted at 24 weeks with twin pregnancy for rescue cerclage that the ob-gyn was unable to perform. So the ob-gyn admitted the patient for management of incompetent cervix. Fifteen days later, she vaginally delivered one twin, and the ob-gyn placed an emergent cerclage to retain the second twin. Six days later, she delivered second twin by cesarean section for rupture of membranes. First, should I use a global care code (59400) for the vaginal delivery, even though she was only 24 weeks? I assume I would use 59514 for the cesarean delivery of second twin. Would it be more advantageous to bill for each hospital day, or add a modifier to the global code for the hospital days and also because she delivered very early? Alabama Subscriber Answer: The answer to the first part of your question is no. For the cesarean, you should report 59510 (Routine [...]
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