Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Straighten Out Your Pregnancy, Antenatal Screening Dx

Question: We are having issues when Medicare is the primary insurer. They do not want to cover anything listed with a V22.1 dx code. Our physician normally does: prenatal panel (which they split up, and RPR and HIV is not allowed with V22.x dx code). Should we use V74.5 and V73.89?urine culture (which we have no dx code to send besides V22.x). They are not allowing that code.cbc/glucose screening codes.What codes should we be using if not these?Texas SubscriberAnswer: Medicare follows American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines. Code V22.0 (Supervision of normal first pregnancy) or V22.1 (Supervision of other normal pregnancy) would not be correct for most routine antepartum testing. You should be using the V28.x (Antenatal screening) codes for this screening. You cannot use V74.5 (Screening examination for venereal disease) or V73.89 (Other specified viral diseases) as a primary diagnosis for a pregnant patient if the testing is done [...]
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