Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Get Specific With Your Counseling V Code

Question: My ob-gyn saw a patient with a fetal demise at 17 weeks 2 days. The patient came back to our clinic for a follow up visit to discuss the autopsy results. Here is what my ob-gyn reported:Patient here to discuss autopsy results. Only finding was right hand with absent thumb, fused 2nd-3rd fingers and overlapping 4th and 5th. Reviewed with genetic counselor and she could not find any associated syndromes etc. Discussed small risk of recurrence. Again discussed that the loss could be procedure related with rupture of the amnion, but not a definitive diagnosis. Lastly, reviewed that all infectious studies and KB were negative. The couple seem to be coping appropriately. I would be happy to discuss any other concerns as they arise.Should I report V65.49 for the diagnosis?Texas SubscriberAnswer: No, you should report V26.33 (Genetic counseling) rather than V65.49 (Other specified counseling). Code V26.33 is more specific [...]
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