Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Coding 58340 and 76831 Together

Question: Can I code for both 58340 (catheterization and introduction of saline or contrast material for hysterosonography or hysterosalpingography) and 76831-26 (hysterosonography, with or without color flow Doppler, -professional component) since some interpretation was provided by the ob/gyn?

Hawaii Subscriber
Answer: This is the correct way to bill if the ob/gyn performed the procedure and provided the official interpretation. But, either the ob/gyn or the radiologist -- not both -- can bill for the interpretation. For some payers, this means that only the physician who will be using the information to treat the patient (the ob/gyn) will be reimbursed when both the ob/gyn and the radiologist are trying to bill for the same service. This is an issue that needs to be worked out between the ob/gyn and the radiologist because only one of them will be paid.

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