Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Code This Wound Exploration, Fascia Endometrioma Removal

Question: I need help locating the right CPT® code.

Procedure: old incision was incised on the left using a scalpel and carried down through the subcutaneous tissue. Wound was explored and scar tissue removed. What appeared to be an abdominal lipoma was removed with Bovie cautery. Mass felt in fascia opened with scalpel. Old blood was under fascia so thickened area removed and old blood cleaned out.

Path Report: endometriosis; polarizable foreign material associated multinucleated giant cell response and fat necrosis.

North Carolina Subscriber

Answer: Have you looked at codes 22902 (Excision, tumor, soft tissue of abdominal wall, subcutaneous; less than 3 cm) and 22903 (… 3 cm or greater)? These seem to be in keeping with the work involved, but you will have to know the size of the lipoma. Cleaning up the scar tissue would be included.

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