Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Cephalic Versions

Question: My physician did a successful external cephalic version on a patient who is 37 1/2 weeks pregnant. She was not delivered at the time of the version, and is scheduled to come to the clinic for an appointment next week. I have read in a coding manual that I cannot bill 59412 as a stand-alone service and that I should report it as an "add-on" when the same physician performs the service on the same date of service as other related services. But there was no other service provided. How do I get paid for this code?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: You do not identify the publication you are referencing, but the information in it is incorrect. Code 59412 (External cephalic version, with or without tocolysis [list in addition to code(s) for delivery]) is not a CPT "add-on" code and should never be treated as one when billing with other services (like the delivery).

Also note that this procedure may be done at any time during the pregnancy. CPT mentions the use of the delivery codes to ensure that coders know it is not a procedure that is included as part of the global ob package and therefore can be billed separately.



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