Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Billing for Antibiotics

Question: We often administer oral antibiotics in addition to an E/M service. Does this change how we should bill the E/M service?

Michigan Subscriber  
Answer: The E/M service is billed the same, with the appropriate code for a new or returning patient (99201-99205, 99211-99215). Administering oral medication in your office to a pregnant patient who has the flu, for example, may be a problem because some states have laws against it due to licensing requirements. Many payers will not reimburse for the medication if dispensed from an office rather than a pharmacy. If your reason for administering the drugs in-house is merely to get the patient started on the antibiotics, you would be better off to shift the responsibility to the patient by giving her a prescription so she can get it filled and take the drugs on their own.  
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