Find out if you can report the ultrasound guidance separately.
Do you know what to do if you’re presented with an amnio claim that includes a condition called “polyhydramnios?” Find out if your solution matches with this recommendation.
Here’s how: Look at the following amnio procedure and see if you’re on par with our expert-provided coding recommendations.
First, Read This Note
The ob-gyn sees a patient with a rapidly increasing uterine size at 22 weeks gestation.
Limited ultrasound (US) scanning reveals the presence of a twin gestation. One twin is small for gestational age and has oligohydramnios. The other twin is appropriate for gestational age and has severe polyhydramnios.
The ob-gyn makes a diagnosis of a twin-twin transfusion syndrome and counsels the patient as to the available therapies. The patient elects amniotic fluid reduction. The ob-gyn explains the risks and benefits of the procedure.
He performs real-time US scanning to identify the sac with increased amniotic fluid. The physician drapes and preps the area. Then he identifies the needle insertion site. Under real-time US guidance, he inserts a 22-gauge needle into the amniotic sac.
He then attaches the needle to a drainage system. Using continuous ultrasonic guidance, he removes the fluid until he sees a normal amount of fluid on the US.
The physician remains in constant communication with the US operator regarding the status of both fetuses and the fluid level; this continual monitoring of the needle location is required to avoid injury to the fetus or placenta since the removal of fluid alters the uterine shape.
Once the patient has a normal fluid level, the physician removes the needle.
Pull Out Key Terms and Codes
The key term to look for is “polyhydramnios,” experts say. This term indicates the physician needs to reduce the amniotic fluid. However, this is a twin-to-twin transfusion scenario so a secondary code denoting this will also be needed.
Diagnosis codes: You should submit O40.2xx1 (Polyhydramnios, second trimester, fetus 1) or O40.2xx2 (…, fetus 2) on your claim, depending on which fetus the provider has assigned as having the polyhydramnios. Sometimes, the fetus is identified as fetus A or B, so use this information to convert to a 1 or 2 for the final digit required. You should report the polyhydramnios because that is what the physician is treating at this time. But you should also report O43.022 (Fetus-to-fetus placental transfusion syndrome, second trimester). And do not forget to add Z3A.22 (22 weeks gestation of pregnancy).
You could also include O30.0- category (Twin pregnancy …) as an additional diagnosis to add to the story.
Procedure codes: You should report 59001 (Amniocentesis; therapeutic amniotic fluid reduction [includes ultrasound guidance]). Your physician removed large amounts of amniotic fluid for massive polyhydramnios due to twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
Watch out: You should not report 59000 (Amniocentesis; diagnostic). This code represents amniocentesis for diagnostic purposes. Most doctors will perform the diagnostic procedure due to a maternal condition complicating the pregnancy and the welfare of the fetus, experts say. You should not report this code for a fluid-reduction procedure.
You would also not report the US guidance separately because this is clearly included as part of the procedure, as described by 59001. You may, however, report additional ultrasounds (other than the guidance) but only if your ob-gyn addresses problems (unrelated to the amniocentesis) that are affecting the mother or fetus.