Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

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Administering Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate Injections? Take Note of Q2042

You could start submitting 250 units of this code per weekly dose.If your ob-gyn administers Hydroxyprogesterone caproate Injections (trade name Makena™), then you should be aware of the new HCPCS code Q2042 (Injection, Hydroxyprogeserone caproate, 1 mg). Note: this Q code does not specify Makena™ as the product that must be dispensed when using this code. You should report the compounded injections this same way. Notice also that the dosage is 1 mg. The usual dosage is 250 mg (1 mL) once weekly. Until such time as CMS states they have incorrectly specified the dosage amount (perhaps having meant 1 mL rather than 1 mg), your quantity will be 250.This is a synthetic progestin and is the first and only FDA approved progestin indicated for the prevention of preterm birth in women with a singleton pregnancy who have a history of singleton spontaneous preterm birth. The ob-gyn may administer Makena [...]
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