The latest version of the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) contains 55 new edits that will impact ob-gyn practices, and all but five of these edits will never be paid by Medicare when they are billed together.
NCCI version 9.1 went into effect April 1. Although the number of edits that will impact ob-gyn practices is not extensive this time, most of them represent services that Medicare will never pay for when billed together (which is denoted in NCCI by a 0"" payment indicator)" says Melanie Witt RN CPC MA an ob/gyn coding expert based in Fredericksburg Va. "The new version also provides some extensive 'house cleaning'by deleting existing edits for codes that are no longer valid for claims processing " Witt says.
NCCI Takes on Surgical Procedures
The good news is that there are no new mutually exclusive code edits in NCCI 9.1. When NCCI labels a bundle as mutually exclusive Medicare will pay only for the lower-valued code of the two.
The 50 remaining bundles that Medicare will never pay when reported together (they have a "0" payment indicator) include the following:
2. Do not bill 57061 (Destruction of vaginal lesion[s]; simple [e.g. laser surgery electrosurgery cryosurgery chemosurgery]) with 57421 (Colposcopy of the entire vagina with cervix if present; with biopsy[s]).
3. You cannot submit 57100* (Biopsy of vaginal mucosa; simple [separate procedure]) with 57421.
4. Medicare will deny 57420 (Colposcopy of the entire vagina with cervix if present) if you bill it with any of the following 18 procedure codes:
5. NCCI 9.1 now permanently bundles 57421 into 57454* (Colposcopy of the cervix including upper/adjacent vagina; with biopsy[s] of the cervix and endocervical curettage).
6. Code 57454 is bundled into eight codes:
7. You cannot report 57455 ( with biopsy[s] of the cervix) with 57421.
8. The new NCCI includes 58605 (Ligation or transection of fallopian tube[s] abdominal or vaginal approach postpartum unilateral or bilateral during same hospitalization [separate procedure]) 58700 (Salping-ectomy complete or partial unilateral or bilateral [separate procedure]) 58740 (Lysis of adhesions [salpin-golysis ovariolysis]) and 58900 (Biopsy of ovary unilateral or bilateral [separate procedure]) with 58146 (Myomectomy excision of fibroid tumor[s] of uterus 5 or more intramural myomas and/or intramural myomas with total weight greater than 250 grams abdominal approach).
In addition NCCI 9.1 changes the payment indicators for several codes so Medicare and those carriers that adhere to NCCI will never pay for colposcopies and other procedures performed in the same body area regardless of whether you append a modifier to the code says Terry Tropin RHIA CPC CCS-P manager of coding education for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). These changes are retroactive to January 2003. For example Medicare now will never pay for 56820 (Colposcopy of the vulva) when you report it with 56515 (Destruction of lesion[s] vulva; extensive [e.g. laser surgery electrosurgery cryosurgery chemosurgery]). Likewise you will no longer be paid for 57420 (Colposcopy of the entire vagina with cervix if present) when you also bill 57022 (Incision and drainage of vaginal hematoma; obstetrical/postpartum) or 57023 ( non-obstetrical [e.g. post-trauma spontaneous bleeding]).
Ob Procedures Also Take a Hit
NCCI 9.1 officially and permanently bundles 59300 (Episiotomy or vaginal repair by other than attending physician) into the delivery codes (59400-59410 59510-59515 59610-59614 and 59618-59622). "These new bundles match the CPT prohibition from billing this procedure when performed by the physician who did the delivery " Witt says.
Ultrasounds Now Include Catheter Placement
The new edits also bundle 51701 (Insertion of non-indwelling bladder catheter [e.g. straight catheterization for residual urine]) and 51702 (Insertion of temporary indwelling bladder catheter; simple [e.g. Foley]) into each of the obstetrical and nonobstetrical ultrasound codes (76805-76857). You can override these bundles with modifier -59 however if the ob-gyn's documentation shows that the bundled procedure was unrelated to the reason for doing the ultrasound Witt says.
Don't Bill HCPCS Separately From Pap Smears
"Medicare has finally officially bundled their HCPCS alphanumeric codes into the CPT codes for Pap smear interpretations " Witt notes. "These code bundles will never be paid together because they each represent essentially the same procedure with the CPT codes representing a diagnostic Pap interpretation and the HCPCS codes representing the screening Pap interpretation." These code bundles are as follows:
But Don't Forget About the Deletions
Although NCCI adds several edits with version 9.1 it also provides several deletions. "Anumber of the new 2003 colposcopy codes that were bundled into other procedures are no longer bundled by NCCI " Tropin emphasizes. "ACOG's coding committee worked very hard to make this happen."
Consequently the 55 new edits are all of the comprehensive/component variety. The five new surgical bundles that allow you to use a modifier (for example -59 Distinct procedural service) to bypass the edit are listed in the table in article 11.
1. You will never be paid for 56820 (Colposcopy of the vulva) when you bill it with 56501 (Destruction of lesion[s] vulva; simple [e.g. laser surgery electrosurgery cryosurgery chemosurgery]) 56633 (Vulvectomy radical complete) or 56805 (Clitoro-plasty for intersex state).
The new edits also bundle 59414 (Delivery of placenta [separate procedure]) into 59515 (Cesarean delivery only; including postpartum care). "The addition of this code bundle corrects an oversight as code 59414 had already been permanently bundled into all of the other delivery codes " Witt explains.
These deleted bundles include colposcopy codes from NCCI version 9.0 bundled into other procedures performed in other body areas. NCCI 9.1 not only deleted these edits but removed them retroactively to January 2003. For example Tropin says NCCI no longer bundles 56820 with 57061 and 57065 (Destruction of vaginal lesion[s]; extensive [e.g. laser surgery electrosurgery cryosurgery chemosurgery]). Similarly you can now report 57100 with 56820.