Ob-Gyn Coding Alert


Don't Hold Your Breath For ICD-11 as an ICD-10 Alternative

Here's why CMS will ignore the AMA's endorsement. The American Medical Association (AMA) has made no secret of the fact that it is less than enthralled with the proposition of adopting ICD-10 as the new diagnosis coding system. Not only did the AMA's House of Delegates vote last year to repeal ICD-10 (which CMS did not adopt), but the group also applauded the news earlier this year that ICD-10 would be delayed from its original implementation date of 2013. Now the AMA has taken additional steps to express its disillusionment with ICD-10, announcing on June 19 that its House of Delegates adopted a policy to evaluate ICD-11 as a potential "alternative" to replace ICD-9, an AMA news release noted. Despite endorsement of a direct move to ICD-11 from the American Medical Association and others, don't be surprised to see CMS ignore that advice. "It took the U.S. eight years to [...]
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