Ob-Gyn Coding Alert


Check Out Your 616.2, 616.3 Equivalents in ICD-10

The Bartholin’s gland secretes mucus to lubricate the vagina. These are two glands located slightly below and to the left/right of the vaginal opening. Cysts are relatively painless enlargements of the gland. Abscesses are infections of the gland, and typically one out of the two glands is affected.

ICD-9-CM Codes: Currently, you report:

  • 616.2, Cyst of Bartholin’s gland
  • 616.3, Abscess of Bartholin’s gland

ICD-10-CM Codes: As of October 1, 2014, you should switch to reporting:

  • N75.0, Cyst of Bartholin’s gland
  • N75.1, Abscess of Bartholin’s gland

You’ll find a one-to-one correlation between your current diagnoses and your ICD-10 diagnoses, which go into effect in 2013. Code 616.2 becomes N75.0, and 616.3 becomes N75.1.

Documentation: If the physician documents “Bartholin’s duct cyst,” then you should report N75.0. If the physician documents “vulvovaginal gland abscess,” then you should report N75.1.

Coding tips: Make sure you identify a Bartholin’s duct cyst versus an abscess in your physician’s documentation.