Go in-depth with enterocele combos, and get the payment you deserve.
Last month, you learned how to use approach, uterine size/weight and extent to report hysterectomies — but that’s only part of your code selection process. To get these codes right every time, you’ve got to take into account additional procedures your ob-gyn may perform.
Begin With Burch Code Choices
First, when your ob-gyn performs a bladder and/or urethra fixation for stress incontinence in addition to a hysterectomy, you’ve got three coding options. And depending on the fixation point, your physician will refer to this as a “Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz,” “Burch” or “Pereyra” procedure, says Melanie Witt, RN, COBGC, MA, an independent coding consultant in Guadalupita, N.M.
For an abdominal approach, you should use 58152 (Total abdominal hysterectomy [corpus and cervix], with or without removal of tube[s], with or without removal of ovary[s]; with colpo-urethrocystopexy [e.g., Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz, Burch]).
For a vaginal approach, you’ll use 58267 (Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with colpo-urethrocystopexy [Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz type, Pereyra type] with or without endoscopic control) or 58293 (Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with colpo-urethrocystopexy [Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz type, Pereyra type] with or without endoscopic control). Notice how you’ll choose the correct vaginal approach code based on weight: 250 grams or less, or greater than 250 grams.
Revisit Your Vaginectomy Options
Hysterectomies involving partial or total vaginectomies (colpectomies) have codes of their own.
For example, if your ob-gyn performed an open hysterectomy, you should use 58200 (Total abdominal hysterectomy, including partial vaginectomy, with para-aortic and pelvic lymph node sampling, with or without removal of tube[s], with or without removal of ovary[s]).
Code 58200 represents removing the uterus, but also includes a partial vaginectomy and he may remove some of the parametrial tissue. Ob-gyns perform this procedure when endometrial cancer has spread to the cervix or parametrium, Witt says.
Keep in mind: Code 58210 (Radical abdominal hysterectomy, with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling [biopsy], with or without removal of tube[s], with or without removal of ovary[s]) also would include removing the parametrial tissue since it is radical, and also includes a vaginectomy – “upper one-third of the vagina, to be exact,” Witt says.
If the ob-gyn performed this via a vaginal approach, you’ll use either 58275 (Vaginal hysterectomy, with total or partial vaginectomy), 58280 (... with repair of enterocele), or 58285 (Vaginal hysterectomy, radical [Schauta type operation]).
Latch Onto These Lymph Scenarios
When an ob-gyn performs a para-aortic and pelvic lymph node sampling, he’s performing a lymph node biopsy. He can perform this only via an abdominal approach. For this service, you’ll report 58200. You’ll see this service referred to
as a “modified radical” abdominal. This includes a partial vaginectomy.
On the other hand, if your ob-gyn performs a bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling, you’ll use 58210 for the abdominal approach.
Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer Broadens Your Choices
When the physician is dealing with ovarian or uterine cancer, you should also inspect 4 other codes which might more accurately include the procedures performed. Your code choices would then be:
Evaluate These Enterocele Repair Codes
Enterocele repair combination codes include hysterectomies. For a vaginal approach, you have:
A vaginal hysterectomy with an abdominal enterocele repair, however, does not have a combination code, but ob-gyns should never do this anyway.
Test What You’ve Learned
Scenario: How should you code a vaginal hysterectomy with a uterus weighing less than 250 grams without the removal of tubes and ovary with enterocele repair and colpourethrocystopexy?
Answer: You have two options.
You’ll report the vaginal hysterectomy with enterocele repair using 58270. You’ll submit the simple anterior vesicourethropexy using 51840 (Anterior vesicourethropexy, or urethropexy [e.g., Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz, Burch]; simple). The National Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) does not prevent you from reporting this code combination, and you have a better chance of receiving reimbursement with this option.
Alternatively, you could report the vaginal hysterectomy with colpourethropexy with 58267 (Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with colpourethrocystopexy [Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz type, Pereyra type] with or without endoscopic control) and the vaginal enterocele repair as 57268 (Repair of enterocele, vaginal approach [separate procedure]).
According to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, the work relative value unit (RVU) for 58270 is 15.30 and 51840 is 11.36. That’s a total of 26.66 work RVUs. Your second option’s RVUs are as follows: 18.36 work RVUs for 58267 and 7.57 work RVUs for 57268. That’s a total of 25.93 work RVUs. Based on these RVUs, you’re better off reporting the first option.