Ob-Gyn Coding Alert


Vaginal Cuff Repair Coding Doesn't Have to Be Frustrating

Ask one question to get the code you need.To select the appropriate code for vaginal cuff repair, you should ask yourself one question: Why did the ob-gyn need to perform the repair?Probably one of the most frequently asked questions in an ob-gyn office is, "Which CPT® code should I use for repair of vaginal cuff?" Unfortunately, this is also one of the toughest questions to answer. Consequently, everyone seems to have a different opinion about which code to choose. But our coding experts point you in the right direction.Circumstances Make the DifferenceThe first thing you should do when the ob-gyn performs a vaginal cuff repair is examine the operative report to determine why the repair was needed. For example, was it part of a staged procedure related to a previous surgery, caused by loosening sutures or injury, or some other reason?If you have to return to the operating room for [...]
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