Find out why knowing the weight of the uterus is so important. Don't just correct your hysterectomy claims -- perfect them by narrowing down your possible coding choices. By following these three steps, you'll find the right hysterectomy code every time. Key: Step 1: Analyze Your Ob-gyn's Approach First, you need to decide what approach your ob-gyn used. This will help you narrow down the code series you'll work with. Open procedures: Laparoscopic procedure: Why this is so important: Step 2: Seek Out the Uterus' Size Next, you need to know the weight of the uterus -- specifically whether it was 250 grams or less or more than 250 grams. This will narrow your coding options. If the uterus weighed 250 grams or less, you'll use 58260-58270 for vaginal approach procedures. You'll use 58550-58552 or 58570-58571 if your ob-gyn used a laparoscopic approach or 58541-58542 if she performed a supracervical laparoscopic hysterectomy. On the other hand, if the uterus weighed more than 250 grams, you'll use 58290-58294 for vaginal approach procedures. You'll use 58553-58554 or 58572-58573 if the procedure was laparoscopic or 58543-58544 if the procedure was a supracervical laparoscopic hysterectomy. Why this is so important: " Step 3: Evaluate the Hysterectomy's Extent An open or laparoscopic hysterectomy may have included more than simply removing the uterus. The hysterectomy may be total, but you may also see a subtotal open hysterectomy, which you would code using 58180 (Supracervical abdominal hysterectomy [subtotal hysterectomy], with or without removal of tube[s], with or without removal of ovary[s]). This procedure involves removing the uterus (fundus) but leaving the cervix by transecting the uterus slightly below the internal os. If you're dealing with a supracervical hysterectomy, you should know that this refers to a hysterectomy in which your ob-gyn removes the uterus without taking the cervix. Watch out: Try This Example Now that you've reviewed how to find hysterectomy codes, try your hand with this example. Question: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Had this example included an additional procedure, such as an enterocele repair or a colpourethrocystopexy, your hysterectomy coding would change.