Find Your Place in History
Published on Fri Jan 02, 2004
Don't report another E/M service without using this chart (based on Medicare's 1997 Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation and Management Services) outlining the various levels of history as a guide.
Remember: History is just one E/M element that determines your code level. You must also document the appropriate examination and medical decision-making elements to justify reporting these codes.
A problem-focused history (99201) includes:
Chief complaint
Brief history of present illness (one to three elements)
(No review of systems or past, family or social history is required.)
An expanded problem-focused history (99202) includes:
Chief complaint
Brief history of present illness (one to three elements)
Problem-pertinent review of systems (one system)
(No past, family, social history is required.)
A detailed history (99203) includes:
Chief complaint
Extended history of present illness (four or more elements, or three or more chronic or inactive conditions if you follow the 1997 Medicare E/M guidelines)
Problem-pertinent system review extended to include a review of a limited number of additional systems (two to nine systems)
Pertinent past, family, and/or social history directly related to the patient's problems (one or two areas of history)
A comprehensive history (99204, 99205) includes:
Chief complaint
Extended history of present illness
Review of systems that is directly related to the problem(s) identified in the history of the present illness plus a review of all additional body systems (10 systems or more)
Complete past, family and social history (two or three history areas depending on whether the patient is new or established).