Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Coding Late-Term OB Care? Check for Prior Antepartum Care

Pregnant patient transfer may still mean reporting a global code. Last month, you learned how to report antepartum care codes based on the number of visits your ob-gyn performs.Think a third-term new patient puts you in individual codes? You might still be able to use the global ones. When a patient transfers to your ob-gyn practice late in her pregnancy, your first task is to determine if she has received any antepartum care elsewhere, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)recommends. Here's how to decide whether to code visits individually or globally. Report Individual Codes for Previous Care If a patient has received antepartum care from another physician, you will not be able to report the global ob code (59400, 59510, 59610, or 59618). Instead, you will have to separately report the antepartum care (59425-59426), delivery (59409-59410, 59514-59515, 59612-59614), and postpartum care (59430). If the ob-gyn performs the delivery [...]
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