Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

CCI 17.2 Update:

Hold Off Reporting G0438, G0439 With E/M Services Before Reading This

Also, vaginal hysterectomy codes specifying "with repair of enterocele" got common sense bundles.Submitting a claim with annual wellness visit codes G0439 or G0438 has just gotten a lot trickier, thanks to the Correct Coding Initiative version 17.2. Check out these numerous edits as well as some affecting vaginal hysterectomies, pelvic exenteration procedures, and fetal invasive procedures including ultrasounds. CCI version 17.2, which takes effect July 1, offers 2,367 new edit pairs and deletes 336 bundles, according to an analysis by Frank Cohen, MPA, MBB, principal and senior analyst with The Frank Cohen Group, LLC. The majority of edits impact the codes from the musculoskeletal code range (20000-29999), but bundles did occur to codes throughout the CPT® manual.Avoid AWV With Health/Behavior AssessmentMost edits of interest to ob-gyn physicians center on AWV codes G0438 (Annual wellness visit; includes a personalized prevention plan of service [PPS], initial visit) and G0439 (Annual wellness visit; [...]
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