Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

4 Scenarios Demonstrate How You Should Report Delivery Codes
Prepare for 2014 by examining these ICD-10 diagnoses. If you’re used to reporti... Read more
Perfect How You Report Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Services
Break down how each type of provider should code for PFMR. Before turning to surgical ... Read more
Bust The Bubble On 3 EHR Myths That Could Cost Your Practice Precious Dollars
Warning: Blindly relying on your electronic system could mean payer audits. If you are... Read more
Effortlessly Transition to Mild Pre-Eclampsia Diagnoses in 2014
Your ob-gyn needs to start documenting the pre-eclampsia severity. Pre-eclampsia is a ... Read more
Reader Question:
Have Proof Ready for Modifier 82 Usage
Question:  Is there a difference in the reimbursement of procedures for modifiers 8... Read more
Reader Question:
6 Questions Assess PHI Risk
Question: I’m always concerned about protecting our patients’ health informa... Read more
Reader Question:
Get Your Ectopic Pregnancies Codes in Order
Question: My ob-gyn did a diagnostic laparoscopy, an exploratory laparotomy, and a cornu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Find Out if You Can Report 2 Ultrasound Codes
Question: The ob-gyn placed Implanon in 2011. Patient is requesting removal. It has migr... Read more
Highlight What Ob-Gyn Did in Addition to the Colposcope
These key phrases will help you choose the correct code every time. Your colposcopy co... Read more
CCI 19.3:
You Can Bill a Discharge, E/M Service on the Same Day -- But the Dx Must Be Different
Don’t miss these closure of vesicouterine fistula edits. The last round of Corre... Read more
4 Tips Help Hone Your Modifier 25 Know-How
Haphazardly using 25 on all claims will lead to payer scrutiny. With payers cracking d... Read more
Discover How Your 634.0x Codes Will Transform in 2014
Don’t miss this Excludes1 note. A spontaneous abortion is the natural, premature... Read more
Reader Question:
Decide Between Level 3 Versus Level 4
Question:  My ob-gyn documented the following: Established patient CC: Vagina... Read more
Reader Question:
Use This D&C Code For Incomplete Abortion
Question: My doctor saw a patient in the ER for hemorrhage after an abortion at 11 weeks... Read more
Reader Question:
Do This for Excision of Cervical Septum
Question: Patient had a known septate uterus and vagina. After a vaginal delivery, the o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
How to Code Intrathecal Injections During Delivery
Question:  How should I code intrathecal injections done during delivery? I’m... Read more
CPT® 2014:
Fine Tune How You Report Fetal Evaluations, Fluid Collections, and Ablation of Uterine Fibroids
Overlooking 84112, 99170, 15777’s revised descriptors could delay your reimburseme... Read more
Well Visits:
Understand Payer Differences Before Coding Pap Smears With Yearly Physicals
Heads up: Medicare follows its own guidelines, not CPT® rules. If your ob-gyn cond... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Blaze a Trail of Medical Necessity And Never Be Denied
Don’t just watch for updates - be sure you select proper 4th, 5th digits If you&... Read more
Watch For More Specific Counseling for Contraception 'Z' Codes in 2014
Your physician should be documenting what type of contraception being discussed. Patie... Read more
Reader Question:
Answer This Exam By 2 MDs On the Same DOS Question
Question: I have a question about an ob-triage encounter. The patient came in, and Dr. A... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Let Patients Give You ABN Hassles
Question: We have a patient who came for a bone density scan we knew Medicare wasn&rsquo... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Block Scheduling to Balance Late Patient Back-Ups
Question: We’ve had a lot of patients showing up late for their appointments recen... Read more
You Be the Coder:
If Ob-Gyn Doesn't Do All the Services, Use 52
Question: The ob-gyn admits a patient in labor, completes the history and exam, and writ... Read more
Attack the Age-Old "Can I Report Extensive Adhesiolysis?" Question
Follow these 4 tips, and your claim will pass with flying colors If your ob-gyn perfor... Read more
Capture Complication Visits In Addition to Global Ob Package With This Advice
Hint: You can report complications before or after delivery. If your ob-gyn provides a... Read more
Leave the HPI Details to the Provider, But Leverage Nurse Help When You Can
Identify which portions of the record ancillary staff can capture. Your ob-gyn’s... Read more
Start Memorizing This Pregnancy Code In Place of V22.2
Don’t overlook this Excludes1 notation. When a patient reports to your practice ... Read more
Reader Question:
Avoid Missing MDM Mistakes
Question: A fellow coder told me that for an established patient, I only need two out of... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding Pap Smears During Pregnancy? Do This
Question: I have a question regarding new pregnant patients: I know to use the  cod... Read more
Reader Question:
How to Code Amnioinfusion With Delivery
Question: Is there any way to report a scalp electrode or amnioinfusion with delivery? ... Read more
Reader Question:
How to Interpret Intrathecal Injections During Delivery
Question: How should I code intrathecal injections done during delivery? I’m confu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Remove the Mystery from "Repeat Anatomy" Phrase
Question:  My ob-gyn is performing ultrasounds for reasons like “repeat anato... Read more
Base Your Pregnant Patient Annual Visit Codes on What You Know at the End of the Visit
You shouldn’t assume pregnancy will be your primary diagnosis. When a patient pr... Read more
Ask if Post-Hysterectomy Pap Was Diagnostic or Screening
Warning: Be wary of Q0091, G0101 — they generally won’t apply. Warning: Th... Read more
Determine Where Your Ob-gyn Practice Falls in the VBM Penalty Timeline
Your 2014 quality reporting will determine your VBM adjustments for 2016 payments. Jus... Read more
Discover What Polyuria Will Become in 2014
788.42 transforms into this “other” code. If a patient has polyuria, this ... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Treat Retained Products of Conception As A Complication
Question: A patient had an elective abortion elsewhere. She came to our clinic, and the ... Read more
Reader Question:
You Can Treat a Hymenectomy As Part of Surgical Approach
Question: One of our providers performed a hysteroscopy dilation and curettage for remov... Read more
Reader Question:
Review Postpartum Exam
Question: When we report global ob care, it includes a “postpartum exam.” Wh... Read more
Reader Question:
Count Oocytes for 89280-89281
Question: Codes 89280 and 89281 don’t have a National Correct Coding Initiative (C... Read more
Reader Question:
Grab Onto the Global Days Concept
Question: A patient comes in and has 17 lesions treated. I see that 56501 has a global c... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Let Patients Give You ABN Hassles
Question: We have a patient who came for a bone density scan we knew Medicare wasn&rsquo... Read more
3 Documentation Elements Will Help You Declare Victory Over Coding Vulvar Lesion Claims
Find out what a “radical vulvectomy” really means. If you incorrectly ... Read more
Coding Quiz:
Validate How You Report V Codes With This 7 Question Challenge
Find out if a V code can be a primary diagnosis. The V codes are not only for prov... Read more
Locate 3 Key Pieces of Critical Information Before Coding Based on Time
Key: Don’t rely on ‘I spent more than an hour with the patient’ provid... Read more
Break Your 626.9 Unspecified Code Into 2 More Specific Options
Don’t overlook these Excludes notes. Vaginal bleeding other than a normal me... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Automatically Combine ER and Office Visits
Question: If a patient was seen for an office visit (99214) first and then later on the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Here's What You Need to Report 59025
Question: What do fetal non-stress tests (NSTs) entail? Are reading NSTs for pregnant mo... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Repeat Anatomy
Question: My ob-gyn is performing ultrasounds for reasons like “repeat anatomy.&rd... Read more
Troubleshoot Your Pregnant Patient Transfer Claims by Counting Visits
Here’s what to do if you’ve already seen the patient 7+ times. Prepare for... Read more
Update How You Report Female UI Surgical Procedures With These Fundamentals
If MD does a combined vaginal and abdominal approach to perform a suburethral sling oper... Read more
Choose the Perfect Incontinence Surgery Code With This Chart
Do you know the approach? You’re halfway there to the correct CPT® code. Whe... Read more
Success Story:
Persistence Can Turn Those Erroneous V72.32 Denials Around
Check out how you too can pave the way for your fellow coders. Every so often, you may... Read more
Don't Let Your 2014 "Anxiety" Diagnosis Make You Anxious
You have a one-to-one correlation, but you do have a descriptor change. “Anxiety... Read more
Reader Question:
Check With Your Provider to Price an Unlisted Procedure
Question: My ob-gyn performed a balloon for postpartum hemorrhage.Since the code I would... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow CMS Regs on Documentation Amendments
Question: Where can I find CMS directions regarding amending documentation? Georgia ... Read more
Reader Question:
Your Physician Has Various Ways to Document
Question: My ob-gyn reported an established patient office visit code 99214, but the onl... Read more
Reader Question:
Here's How to Code McCall's Culdoplasty
Question: My ob-gyn performed a laparoscopic uterosacral plication and a High McCall&rsq... Read more
Reader Question:
2 Different Sides Mean Modifiers LT, RT
Question: My ob-gyn performed an exploratory laparotomy, partial left salpingectomy, lef... Read more
Reader Question:
Master Your MTHFR Codes
Question: What is MTHFR, and what codes should I report for it? Kentucky Subscriber ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
D&C and Attempted Hysteroscopy
Question: My ob-gyn documented the following: “Dilation and curettage, attempt... Read more
Overcome 4 Ovarian Cyst Removal Myths by Highlighting the Approach
Here’s how to potentially add $208 to your bottom line. When an ovarian cyst rem... Read more
Hold On to Initial Infertility Visit Dollars With This 2-Part Strategy
Symptoms, not infertility, may help your initial visit claim pass muster. Don’t ... Read more
Modifier 22:
3 FAQs Help You Avoid Making Modifier 22 Mistakes
Find out how much longer a procedure should take. Appending modifier 22 (Increased pro... Read more
For Pregnancy Outside the Womb, Look to the O00.- Series
A patient can sometimes develop a pregnancy outside the womb (uterus). The fetus cannot ... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifiers Can Help Make Your Case Clearer
Question: The doctor performed a 58565 but was only able to complete the procedure on on... Read more
Reader Question:
Here's How to Calculate Bleeding Control Claims
Question: The doctor did a cerclage removal under anesthesia 59871 for cervical incompet... Read more
Reader Question:
Here's When You Can Report 99211 With No Supervising MD
Question: I have a question regarding registered nurse (RN) visits. Can a nurse bill for... Read more
Reader Question:
Tubal Reversals Don't Always Mean High Risk Pregnancies
Question: I have a question regarding registered nurse (RN) visits. Can a nurse bill for... Read more
Reader Question:
Compare RVUs for C-Sections Versus Vaginal Deliveries
Question: I have a quick question about reimbursements from carriers. I was under the im... Read more
Reader Question:
Combine Same-Day, Same-Patient Inpatient E/Ms
Question: If for a valid reason two of my doctors see the same patient on the same day i... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Second Scan in Trimester? Read This First
Question: Patient had a dating U/S two weeks ago and a 76801 <14 wks was charged at t... Read more
Analyze Your Amnio Claims and Adopt These Expert Strategies
Find out why the term “polyhydramnios” can make or break your CPT, ICD-9 cod... Read more
3 Practical Tips Update How You Report Uterine Tandem Procedures
Use this modifier when radiologists report the same code. Is your ob-gyn working with ... Read more
Unlisted Procedures:
Here's How to Ease Your Unlisted Procedure Coding Process
Key: Reports should use simple, straightforward language. If you’ve ever filed a... Read more
Adopt This Anemia Diagnosis Code Transformation
Hint: Look elsewhere for anemia due to iron-deficiency. Anemia is a condition that occ... Read more
Reader Question:
Solve This IUD Payer Conundrum
Question: When we do an intrauterine device (IUD) insertion and removal on the same day,... Read more
Reader Question:
Pinpoint the Correct Code for C-Section Wound Seroma
Question: What diagnosis code should I report for “c-section wound seroma?” ... Read more
Reader Question:
Find Out if You Can Report 57800 and 57454 Together
Question: Doctor specifies that the cervical canal has to be dilated (57800) in ord... Read more
Reader Question:
Look at the Larger Picture for Debulking Services
Question: Patient with recurrent ovarian cancer with previous TAH/BSO undergoes new surg... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill Only the Final Converted Procedure
Question: I have an op report that states the ob-gyn did a hysteroscopy, converted to la... Read more
Reader Question:
Count Informed Consent as Surgery Pre-Work
Question: Patient came in for routine prenatal care visit. She knows she wants a tubal l... Read more
Reader Question:
Focus On What Your Ob-Gyn Actually Does
Question: What procedure should I bill when the ob-gyn did a vulvar biopsy? The patholog... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Break Down This Multiple Procedure Surgery
Question: My ob-gyn gave me a case that has me confused, which she did as an inpati... Read more
CCI 19.0:
New Year Brought New CCI Bundles, Many Targeting New CPT® Codes
Pay attention to the modifier indicator to determine which ones you can override and whi... Read more
Diagnostic Tests:
Hone How You Report Hemoccult Tests With This Expert Advice
Why, who, and where work hand-in-hand to point you to the right code. If you want to k... Read more
News You Can Use:
Stop Wondering: Congress Freezes Medicare Pay at 2012 Rates
However, don’t assume your HPSA bonus will continue. As many practices are aw... Read more
Learning The ICD-10 Equivalent to 256.31 Isn't Premature
Whether patient is symptomatic or asymptomatic makes all the difference. Menopause tha... Read more
Reader Question:
Surgical Complication Means Using This Modifier
Question:My ob-gyn had a weekend call. Patient had a laparoscopic supracervical hysterec... Read more
Reader Question:
Make Sure You Submit Medicare Forms with Modifier 22
Question: What modifier should we submit to Medicare for increased procedural services? ... Read more
Reader Question:
Investigate Whether Flu Shot Has Preservatives
Question: What is the correct CPT® code for flu shots for pregnant patients between ... Read more
Reader Question:
Episiotomy Not Immediately After Delivery? Watch Out for Denials
Question: Patient has perineal scarring after traumatic vaginal delivery repaired with p... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Unlisted Lap Code Even When Another Approach Is Available
Question: My ob-gyn performed a laparoscopic removal of abdominal ob cerclage. Should I ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
G0180, G0181, and G0179 Are For Medicare Patients Only
Question: I have an ob-gyn that is filling out G0180, G0181, and G0179 on a daily, weekl... Read more
Whether the Ob-Gyn Removed the Endocervix Decides Your LEEP Code
Reporting 57460 and 57461 means having this in your documentation. If you have a loop ... Read more
Practice Management:
Time to Re-Enroll Your Gynecologist? You'll Have an Easier Job, CMS Says
You can fax or email the revalidation documents this time around. If your gynecologist... Read more
Don't Let 3 EHR Pitfalls Compromise Your E/M Coding
These mistakes may cost your practice money and set you up for payer scrutiny. Many ob... Read more
Your 640.0x Codes Condense Into a Single Option in 2014
Avoid reporting this ICD-10 code with O00-O08. A threatened abortion is a condition s... Read more
Reader Question:
Find Out if Delivery Only Codes Are Losing You Ethical Money
Question: My practice has encountered many situations where a patient comes in and deliv... Read more
Reader Question:
Intramural Myomas Means Using This Myomectomy Code
Question: What procedure codes should I report for this note? "On 12/20/12, the p... Read more
Reader Question:
Decide Whether the Delivery Is Complicated or Normal
Question: I am looking for some ICD-9 codes for a patient who delivers in a car, home,&n... Read more
Reader Question:
Check RVUs for Draining Fluid from Vaginal Cuff
Question: Does a CPT® code exist for draining fluid from the vaginal cuff? Califo... Read more
You Be the Coder:
These Modifiers Can Now Break CCI Edits
Question: I heard we have new modifiers to override Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edit... Read more
Safeguard Your Split Antepartum Care Reimbursement With Expert Tips
You may have more options than you think. When dividing ob-gyns’ roles with spli... Read more
2013 AMA Symposium Update:
Get the Scoop on Transition Codes, Medicare Rates
Caution: Missing primary care designation could wreck your Medicare pay. 2013 will bri... Read more
E/M Coding:
Implement These 5 Simple Steps to Boost Your E/M Bottom Line
Heads up: Dig past ‘follow-up’ for acceptable chief complaint. E/M coding ... Read more
Learn This "Late Effects" Change Sooner Rather Than Later
Here’s how to sequence this diagnosis code. When a patient develops a breast abs... Read more
Reader Question:
Fluoroscopy? Don't Bill for Ultrasound Guidance Too
Question: My ob-gyn’s notes state, "The patient’s Nexplanon was unable ... Read more
Reader Question:
Look Into This Laceration Repair Scenario
Question: Patient has a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery (NSVD) with bilateral sulcus... Read more
Reader Question:
Strike Modifier 24 From This Episiotomy Pain Visit
Question: Patient is about 4 weeks postpartum and comes in complaining of pain at episio... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Out These STD Tests
Question: A patient came in for her annual routine exam. While she was in the exam room,... Read more
Reader Question:
Match Injection Code to the Amount
Question: I need help coding an injection of testosterone. The patient received a 100mg ... Read more
Reader Question:
Make These Modifier 52, 53 IUD Distinctions
Question: A patient came in for an intrauterine device (IUD) removal. The ob-gyn made mu... Read more
Reader Question:
A Suspected Problem Means You Should Report V28.82
Question: We have an ob patient that is 21 weeks pregnant that had a transvaginal u... Read more
Reader Question:
Headache Doesn't Always Point to 346.x
Question: A co-worker says we can submit "headache" and "migraine" o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Straighten Out These Laboratory Issues
Question: When we are billing for a colposcopy with biopsy, we are billing 56820 an... Read more
Available Years:  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998