Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reduce Revenue Loss for Contraceptive Devices, Drugs and Supplies
" Coders of every medical specialty report difficulty in obtaining adequate, ethical ... Read more
News Brief:
There Is No Debate in Coding Sentinel Node Biopsy
A major proponent of sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer patients has released a new ... Read more
News Brief:
Medicaid Expands Coverage for Breast, Cervical Cancer
In a move that brings the nation one step closer to full compliance, 13 more states we... Read more
Try These Tips When Payers Dont Play by the Rules
No matter how accurately a coder adheres to CPT and CMS (Medicare) guidelines, some ca... Read more
Anthrax Coding Report Free on Web
Physicians and other healthcare professionals who provide services to any patients with ... Read more
Reader Question:
Cord Blood
Question: Is there a code for collection of cord blood when the parents want the blood to ... Read more
Reader Question:
Induction of Labor
Question: Is there any way to bill for induction of labor of any method in addition to the... Read more
Reader Question:
Billing for Antibiotics
Question: We often administer oral antibiotics in addition to an E/M service. Does this ch... Read more
Reader Question:
RVU Guidance
Question: Where can I find relative value units (RVUs) for procedures? I billed 49322 (l... Read more
Reader Question:
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Question: My physician did a vaginal hysterectomy (58260) and a combined anteroposter... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Fetal Vesicocentesis
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
CPT 2002:
Many Revisions Affect Ob/Gyn
CPT 2002 features as many or more revisions to existing codes than it do... Read more
Revised Codes and New Codes
Revised Codes 56501 destruction of lesion(s), vulva; simple (e.g., laser surgery, el... Read more
How To Choose the Correct ICD-9 Code
" ICD-9 has many codes for conditions in a pregnant patient some that complica... Read more
Reader Question:
Postoperative Visits
Question: My physician usually has a patient return to the office for a postoperative visi... Read more
Reader Question:
Moschowitz Procedure
Question: What are the appropriate codes for a Moschowitz procedure and ovarian drilling f... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: Is there a code for cholelithiasis of pregnancy?Michigan Subscriber  Answe... Read more
Reader Question:
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
Question: Is there a screening diagnostic code for follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)? &... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Risk Factors Rule Well-Woman Exams
Coding and reimbursement for Medicare well-woman screening exams is one of the b... Read more
Lab-Fee Logistics:
Billing for In-House and Outside Tests
Ob/gyns order a wide variety of tests for their patients, ranging from Pap collectio... Read more
News Brief:
More States Offer Benefits
Earlier this year, we reported that several states had been approved under the federal B... Read more
Reader Question:
Breast Biopsy
Question: How should I code for a breast biopsy? Code 19100 refers to 88170 for fine n... Read more
Reader Question:
Double-Billing for Twins
Question: If a patient delivers twins, can my practice bill twice for the c-section us... Read more
Reader Question:
Multiple Procedures
Question: How should I code for a total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oop... Read more
Reader Question:
Transvaginal Ultrasound
Question: How should I code a transvaginal ultrasound of the ovaries to measure f... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M and Screening
Question: A Medicare patient is seen for menopausal symptoms and postmenopausal bleeding... Read more
Reader Question:
Reimbursement for Surgical Assistants
Question: What are the ramifications of hiring a surgical assistant as a full-time emp... Read more
Reader Question:
Pap Billing
Question: One of my physicians told me to bill 88141 with 88164. We send our Pap colle... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Abnormal Glucose Test
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Rely on Documentation To Carve Out Reimbursable E/M Visits from Well-Woman Exams
When a patient shows up for a well-woman visit, she often reports with additional prob... Read more
Contract Amendments Define Global Ob Payment Guidelines
One of the most frustrating aspects of obstetrical care is reimbursement for the globa... Read more
News Brief:
New ICD-9 Codes
ICD-9 has introduced several new codes that are pertinent to obstetricians and gynecolog... Read more
News Brief:
National Conference Targets Pediatric and Ob-Gyn Coding and Compliance
 "The National Pediatric and Ob-Gyn Coding and Compliance Conference: 2001" will be... Read more
Reader Question:
Laparoscopic Lysis of Adhesions
" Question: How should I code a laparoscopic lysis of adhesions, a la... Read more
Reader Question:
Laparoscopic LSO
Question: What is the procedure code for laparoscopic LSO (left salpingo-oophorectomy) w... Read more
Reader Question:
Laboratory Billing
Question: In addition to our professional test fees, we bill for services on behalf of the... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding for Chemotherapy
Question: We're going to start chemotherapy for a patient who has cancer of her vulva/va... Read more
Reader Question:
Endometrial Cancer Stage 1
Question: What is the ICD-9 code for endometrial cancer stage 1?New Jersey Subscriber &nb... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding for Hospital Transfers
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before... Read more
Receive Full and Fair Payment for Nonroutine Postpartum Visits
Postpartum checks are a normal part of global obstetrical care, but often these visi... Read more
Reimbursement Tactics for Mental-Health Visits
When a patient makes an appointment with her ob/gyn, the assumption is that she is s... Read more
News Brief:
CMS Releases CCI Version 7.2
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS, formerly HCFA... Read more
Reader Question:
Fee Reductions on 57282 and 57260
Question: We billed 57282 for a sacrospinous fixation  and 57260 for an anterior and ... Read more
Reader Question:
Diagnosis for New Sling
Question: Which diagnosis code should I use for erosion of vaginal sling or excoriation of... Read more
Reader Question:
Observation Status
Question: Who determines observation status, and how should I code for additional hosp... Read more
Reader Question:
LAVH and Excision of Implants
Question: The physician performed a diagnostic laparoscopy, an excision of endometrial imp... Read more
Reader Question:
Hemorrhage Due to Placenta Previa
Question: Am I limited to using the 640 series of codes (hemorrhage in early pregnancy) ... Read more
Reader Question:
Preventive Pap
Question: A new patient comes to the office for her annual exam. While talking to the pati... Read more
Reader Question:
Pregnancy Test Diagnosis
Question: When a patient presents for a pregnancy test, we always use V72.4 (pregnancy... Read more
Reader Question:
Adnexal Mass Coded as Neoplasm
Question: Can an adnexal mass be coded as a neoplasm?Maine Subscriber Answer: No, bec... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding 58340 and 76831 Together
Question: Can I code for both 58340 (catheterization and introduction of saline or contr... Read more
Reader Question:
Code 88150 for Lab
Question: As part of the annual ob/gyn exams in the office, we do a Pap and send it to... Read more
Reader Question:
Pregnancy Code Primary
Question: I have a pregnant patient with nonalcoholic liver disorder. Can I use ICD-9 co... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Colposcopy and Biopsy
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
One Pregnancy, Two Doctors:
Coding Correctly for More Than One Practitioner Prevents Denials
The ob/gyn is often not the only physician providing obstetrical care to a patie... Read more
Modifiers Boost Payment for Lap Procedures Turned Open
When a laparoscopic gynecological surgery is converted to an open procedure due to i... Read more
Medicaid Update:
Six Additional States Cover Women with Breast or Cervical Cancer
Six additional states have applied for coverage under the federal Breast and Cervical Ca... Read more
Reader Question:
Cervical Smear
Question: How do I code when a Pap smear is performed during a well-woman visit? ICD-9 d... Read more
Reader Question:
Repeat Pap
Question: How should I bill for a repeat Pap smear when the first Pap is sent back due t... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: What is the correct billing for brachytherapy? My doctor is a gyn-oncologist w... Read more
Reader Question:
Abdominal BSO
Question: My physician performed an abdominal bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy (BSO) with... Read more
Reader Question:
Well-woman Exam
Question: When a patient comes in for her scheduled well-woman exam but then complains o... Read more
Reader Question:
Hospital Consultation
Question: A family-practice physician admitted a 34-week obstetrical patient on May 21. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Question: What is the proper coding for a vaginal hysterectomy with anterior repair an... Read more
Reader Question:
Pap Smear Interpretation
Question: Is it appropriate to bill for the interpretation of a Pap smear on the day of th... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Pessary Fitting
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before... Read more
Select the Right Diagnosis to Code Rape Exams Accurately
Coding for rape or sexual abuse exams is a relatively straightforward process. But selecti... Read more
Code Correctly for Post-hysterectomy Complications
Total abdominal hysterectomy (58150) is a common gynecological surgery that requires post... Read more
Reader Question:
Amniotic Fluid Check
Question: What is the diagnosis code for an amniotic fluid check? The patients previous di... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: When is it appropriate to bill for co-surgeons, versus surgical assistants?Flori... Read more
Reader Question:
Antepartum Care
Question: At my hospital-affiliated family practice clinic the physicians often take care ... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: One of my physicians did a laparotomy and bilateral ovarian cystectomies on a p... Read more
Reader Question:
Ovarian Drilling
Question: My physician did a laparoscopic cystectomy with right ovarian drilling for polyc... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: Is an office visit for postpartum mastitis (a complication of the postpartum per... Read more
Reader Question:
Laminaria Insertion
Question: When the physician does a laminaria insertion prior to surgery to dilate the cer... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: When our nurses give injections (e.g., Depo Provera for contraception) without a... Read more
Reader Question:
Ruptured Membranes
Question: Can I bill for a prostaglandin induction for ruptured membranes at 16 weeks deli... Read more
Reader Question:
Transvaginal Hysterectomy
Question: How do I code for a laparoscopically assisted transvaginal hysterectomy and endo... Read more
Reader Question:
Well-woman Care
Question: We have billed Medicare for well-woman care (using G and Q codes), not knowing a... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at... Read more
Code Correctly for Endometrial Cancer by Knowing What Is Included and When to Unbundle
Although a limited number of codes exist to diagnose and bill for endometrial cancer surge... Read more
Coding for Signs and Symptoms to Get Claims Paid and Boost Reimbursement
"In the world of ob/gyn care, a distinct diagnosis may be hard to pin down, particularly a... Read more
Reader Question:
Global Package
Question: At a recent medical seminar, the speaker suggested that proper billing for ob pa... Read more
Reader Question:
Surgical Tray
Question: Can I use A4550 (surgical trays) with 57454 (colposcopy [vaginoscopy]; with biop... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: We had a mild pre-eclampsic woman admitted for observation in the hospital three... Read more
Reader Question:
Amnio Reduction
Question: How do I code for an amnio reduction procedure?Oregon Subscriber Answer: If the... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: My physician did a laparoscopy with excision of endometriosis and a laparoscopi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Laceration Repair
Question: My physician delivered a baby in the early morning, but the mother had a severe ... Read more
Avoid Denials:
Choose the Right ICD-9 Codes to Support Surgical Treatment of Endometriosis
"The key to hassle-free claims for endometriosis care is making sure that each stage of th... Read more
Use Modifier -53 for Partial Reimbursement of Discontinued Procedures
A discontinued or failed procedure is one that stops before completion, usually because th... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: When do we use the V codes for elderly and young primi- and multigravida? When w... Read more
Reader Question:
Specimen Handling
Question: When and how do I use 99000?California Subscriber Answer: Code 99000 (handling a... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Versus Observation Codes
Question: When do I use the E/M codes 99201-99205 and 99212-99215 for an outpatient hospit... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: A new patient was admitted through the emergency department (ED) with abdominal ... Read more
Reader Question:
Premature Rupture of Membrane
Question: A patient transferred to our practice with a premature rupture of membranes of a... Read more
Reader Question:
Resection of Ovarian Malignancies
Question: We perform resection of ovarian malignancies (58952) quite often. The Correct Co... Read more
Reader Question:
Prostin Gel Insertion
Question: If cervical ripening is included in the global fee, why is 59200 (insertion of c... Read more
Reader Question:
Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder
Question: We have recently seen a number of patients with the diagnosis of premenstrual dy... Read more
Reader Question:
Induction of Labor
Question: What is the correct code for induction of labor? Florida Subscriber Answ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Cerclage Removal
Question: How do I bill for a cerclage removal performed in the office with a local anesth... Read more
A How-to Guide:
Pessary Reimbursement for Medicare Patients
Latest on CPT Code 57160 for Pessary Coding from Codify's Ob-... Read more
Capture Correct Payments by Defining the Differences Among Consultations, Referrals, Self-referrals and New Patients Visits
Improper coding of consultations and referrals can lead to two major problems: 1. Practic... Read more
News Brief:
HCFA Temporarily Suspends Part of CCI Version 6.3
On Feb. 8, 2001, HCFA released Program Memorandum B-01-09, which temporarily suspends many... Read more
News Alert:
HCFA Increases Frequency for G0101
HCFA recently announced a change that will affect all ob/gyns who treat Medicare patients.... Read more
Reader Question:
New vs. Established Patient
Question: A nurse midwife is joining our practice, a professional corporation. Some of her... Read more
Reader Question:
Laminaria Removal
Question: Can I bill 57415 when removing laminaria in the operating room that had been in... Read more
Reader Question:
Exploratory Laparotomy
Question: How do I code for an exploratory laparotomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BS... Read more
Reader Question:
Paracervical Block
Question: What modifier is used when billing a paracervical block (64435) with a conizatio... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: It is my understanding that the co-surgeon modifier -62 (two surgeons) is used w... Read more
Reader Question:
Scar Revision
Question: Which code is most effective for the revision of a scar performed after a cesare... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Vaginal pH
Question: How do I bill for checking vaginal pH? I know there is a CPT code, but Im not su... Read more
Distinguish Between Destruction and Excision to Optimize Reimbursement
Reviewed on May 20, 2015  Genital warts, or lesions, is a common sexually tran... Read more
Coding Case Study:
Ethically Maximize Payment for Multistage Gynecological Surgery by Separating Each Stage
Surgeons who perform complex, multistage gynecological procedures typically spend severa... Read more
News Brief:
Get Paid For Pessary with New Codes and Fees
This January, two new HCPCS codes for a pessary A4561 (pessary, rubber, any type) and A45... Read more
Legal Update:
Fertility Doctor Convicted of Insurance Fraud
Dr. Niels H. Lauersen, the high-profile Manhattan obstetrician on trial for insurance frau... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: I just found out about a new contraceptive injection called Lunelle. What code s... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: My physician did an exploratory laparotomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO... Read more
Reader Question:
Vaginal Delivery
Question: Is there a code for operative vaginal delivery with forceps and vacuum? My hospi... Read more
Reader Question:
Question: When billing a diagnostic laparoscopy with lysis of adhesions (58660) along wi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Blood Test and/or Injection
Question: How do I code a claim when a patient comes in for a blood test and/or injection?... Read more
Distinguish Between Screening and Diagnostic to Get Paid for Fecal-occult Blood Tests
"Most ob/gyns agree that administering a fecal-occult blood test, particularly to patients... Read more
Mifeprex (RU486) Update:
Get Properly Reimbursed for Mifeprex with Thorough Documentation and Details of Each Visit
To get reimbursed appropriately for the new drug Mifeprex, ob/gyn coders need to know the... Read more
Reader Question:
Office Visit
Question: When a patient comes in for an injection of DepoProvera or Lupron, and the docto... Read more
Reader Question:
Total Vaginal Hysterectomy
Question: How do I code for a patient who had a total vaginal hysterectomy (TVH), then had... Read more
Reader Question:
Observation During Postoperative Period
Question: We have a patient who had a dilation and curettage (D&C) for a missed abortion,... Read more
Reader Question:
Well Woman Examination
Question: An established Medicare patient presents at the clinic for a well woman examinat... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Doppler Imaging
Question: Our new ultrasound machine in the office has color Doppler capability, but I can... Read more
Available Years:  2001  2000  1999  1998  

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