Gather your thoughts with this handy form before contacting the physician.
Ready to give the SBAR approach a try? This form from Mary Narayan, MSN, RN, HHCNS-BC, COS-C, with Narayan Associates in Vienna, Va. will help you to address medication issues and prevent unwanted hospitalizations.
Communication with Physician about
serious medication discrepancies.
patient has symptoms indicating possible medication adverse effect.
current medications are not adequately controlling patient’s (pain, BP, infection, etc.)
patient not taking medication due to cost of medication.
Assessment: (Only report abnormal/pertinent data)
• During the admission medication reconciliation, I found the following discrepancies: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Patient’s symptoms include:
Dizziness, lightheadedness Visual changes Ringing in ears
Insomnia Lethargy Difficulty breathing
Nausea/anorexia Constipation Diarrhea
Itching Difficulty urinating Urinary frequency
Other pertinent symptoms ________________________________________________________
• Physical assessment:
Vital signs: Pulse _______ RR ________ BP _________ Orthostatic BP _______
O2 sat ________ Blood glucose: __________ Edema/swelling ______________
Neuro: Altered mental status Balance problem Tremors
Skin: Rash Hives Excessive bruising
GI: Dry mouth Vomiting Tarry stools
Other pertinent data: ______________________________________________
• Analysis:
Ineffective drug therapy Adverse effect Side effect
Reconciliation discrepancies Drug interaction Duplicate therapy
Non-adherence due to: Cost Confusion
Complexity of meds Other __________________
Recommendation: Examples include:
Note: This form ©2012, Mary Curry Narayan. Reprinted with permission.
Medication Issues/Discrepancies during Reconciliation/Review