
Keep this Chart Handy when Answering M1340

Stay up-to-date on OASIS Q&As for greatest accuracy.

OASIS item M1340 -- Does this patient have a surgical wound? may seem like an easy question to answer at first glance, but it's actually one of the most complex. Reference this chart of commonly considered wounds from Judy Adams, RN, BSN, HCS-D, HCS-O with Adams Home Care Consulting in Chapel Hill, N.C. when you're uncertain whether your patient has a qualifying surgical wound.

Note: This list is based on CMS Q&As Category 4 B 102-105.22. 106, 108.01-109. But the Q&As from CMS aren't exhaustive and all inclusive, says Rhonda Will, RN, BS, COS-C, HCS-D, with Northampton, Mass.-based Fazzi Associates. They only address specific questions clinicians have asked over time.

Be sure to check current guidance periodically, Will cautions. "We self-professed OASIS geeks have noted wound types to change status through the years."


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