Reader Question:

Don't Read into 'Or' with Moist Wound Healing

Question: OASIS item M2250g asks whether the physician-ordered plan of care includes pressure ulcer treatment based on principles of moist wound healing or orders for treatment based on moist wound healing. Does the statement really mean "or"? Can I answer "Yes" if the patient doesn't have a pressure ulcer but we have orders for moist wound treatment such as ointment and possible use of Unna boot for psoriasis?

Does this item only apply to pressure ulcers or is it appropriate to answer "Yes" for any moist wound treatment, like that "or" statement implies?

Answer: M2250g is specific to pressure ulcer best practice, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says in the April 17, 2012 Quarterly OASIS Questions and Answers.

Answer M2250g with "NA" when your patient has no pressure ulcers, CMS says. Do not report orders for moist wound healing for other types of wounds in this item.

To read all of the April 2012 OASIS Q&As, visit www.qtso.com/download/hha/CMS_OAI_1stQtr2012_QAs_04_18_2012.pdf.