At Recert, it's safe to answer "0" in Column 2 if you've answered "0" in Column 1.
OASIS item M1308 asks you to tally up your patient's pressure ulcers. But some situations don't seem to fit neatly into the M1308 grid.
For example, suppose your patient had a Stage I pressure ulcer at ROC that advances to a Stage III at Recert? How would you answer M1308?
M1308 -- Current number of unhealed (non epithelialized) pressure ulcers at each stage, asks you to report the stage and number of pressure ulcers your patient has currently, but it also asks you to indicate which of those pressure ulcers existed at the most recent start of care (SOC)/resumption of care (ROC).
Answer: At ROC, you would skip M1308 for this patient, said Annette D. Lee, RN MS HCS-D COS-C, with Redmond, Wash.-based OASIS Answers at the OASIS Certificate and Competency Board's 2011 Annual Conference in November. There is no need to answer M1308 for this patient at ROC because the question is only concerned with Stage II or higher pressure ulcers.
At Recert, however, you would answer "1" in column b1 and "1" in column b2, Lee said. Although the ulcer wasn't previously reported in M1308, it did exist at ROC.
In this scenario, you couldn't gather all of the information you needed to answer M1308 by looking at the ulcer items on the ROC OASIS, Lee said. Instead, it's necessary to look at the diagram of the body and other documentation to answer this item correctly.
Tip: When answering M1308 at Recert, Other follow-up, or discharge, if you enter a "0" in Column 1, you can immediately enter a "0" in Column 2, Lee said. This is true because if there is no ulcer to report in Column 1, it couldn't have existed at the previous SOC/ROC.