If you're looking for help shouldering your PPS overload, check out these three new audioconference options:
• Proven Strategies to Drive Your Home Health Agency Finances Through the Roof, with financial expert Mark Sharp, provides step-by-step guidance you can use right away. Jan. 7 at 1pm ET.
• Your Trusty Guide to Wound Care Coding in Home Health, with clinical consultant Judy Adams, helps make sure you don't lose another dollar through inaccurate wound care coding. Jan. 17 at 1 pm ET.
• Crucial Lessons Your HHA Billing Staff Must Know in 2008, with billing expert M. Aaron Little, turns PPS mumbo jumbo into practical processes your staff can follow. Feb. 21 at 1 pm ET.
Learn more: To find out more or to register for these Eli-sponsored audioconferences, go to www.audioeducator.com or call 1-800-508-2582. Mention code 15%OFF AUDIOHH for 15 percent off the cost of your audioconference.