Item Focus:
M1330-M1334: Don't Miss Points for Stasis Ulcers
Avoid this healed ulcer error. Make one wrong move with the OASIS stasis ulcer questio... Read more
Integumentary Items:
Make a Careful Skin Assessment to Spot Stasis Ulcers
Stasis ulcers don’t require staging. Properly identifying venous stasis ulcers i... Read more
Know Your Ulcers to Bolster Reimbursement
Underestimate a Stage 3 and you’re risking $162. How confident are you when it c... Read more
OASIS Time Points:
Does Your SCIC Policy Need a Check-Up?
Neglect this Condition of Participation and risk survey sanctions. If you’re not... Read more
Differentiate Leg Ulcers with Accuracy
Know the key differences between stasis, arterial, and ulcers caused by peripheral neuro... Read more
Quality Measures:
Rehospitalization Quality Measures Concern Commenters
The devil is in the details when it comes to quality. Proposed new measures to track r... Read more
Prospective Payment System:
Prepare for 170 Fewer Case Mix Diagnosis Codes to Report in M1020/M1022
Are these codes really too acute for home care? You may have a hard time getting the r... Read more
Industry Notes
Another Contractor Is Looking Over Your Shoulder If you’re confused about anothe... Read more
Item Focus:
M1342: Understand Wound Healing Intention to Choose Healing Status
Look to WOCN guidance for healing specifics. Make an error documenting the healing sta... Read more
8 Hints Boost M1342 Accuracy
First things first: Does your patient’s wound qualify as surgical? The OASIS int... Read more
OASIS Conventions:
Know 2 Key OASIS Abbreviations
Watch for a clarification in OASIS-C1. As you work your way through the OASIS, you&rsq... Read more
Survey-Proof Your OASIS Processes
Do you know when a SCIC assessment is required? The home health survey process has cha... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Take a Closer Look at CVA Coding
Mind these late effect coding quirks. Home health coders can no longer list acute stro... Read more
Try Your Hand at this ICD-10 CVA Sequelae Coding Scenario
Take note of new dominant side guidelines. Coding for the sequelae (or late effects) o... Read more
Is Your OASIS Data Safe?
It’s not a good idea to turn a blind eye on HIPAA compliance. Each OASIS assessm... Read more
Industry Notes
Study Shows Home Care Saves Money On Rehospitalizations A Medicaid transitional care p... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Be Overly Strict With Collecting Physician Orders
Question: I have a question on how to accurately answer M2250 — Plan of Care Synop... Read more
Item Focus:
M1030: Is Your Mistaken 'Therapy at Home' Response Draining Away Revenue?
You don’t necessarily have to provide a therapy to take credit for it. Two commo... Read more
Don't Miss These Major OASIS Diagnosis Coding Changes
Is resolved condition reporting on its way back? While the draft version of the OASIS-... Read more
Clip and Save:
Master These M1030 Dos and Don'ts
Tip: Don’t count TPN received outside the home. Knowing which therapies count fo... Read more
OASIS Conventions:
Accuracy and Thoroughness Keep Your Assessments Firing on All Cylinders
Don’t forget to watch skip patterns. It may seem obvious, but one key OASIS conv... Read more
Integumentary Items:
Get the Latest Pressure Ulcer Advice from CMS
Use clinical judgment when a scab obscures visualization. The OASIS pressure ulcer ite... Read more
Case Mix:
Watch the Case Mix Code List Dwindle in 2014
You’ll no longer earn points for conditions CMS deems ‘too acute.’ C... Read more
ICD-10 Diagnosis Coding:
Get More Specific with Open Wounds in ICD-10
You’ll need to know your seventh characters. ICD-10-CM gives you more options an... Read more
Industry Notes:
Register For a Chance To Give Your Feedback To CMS On Your Medicare Contractor
Try this new ADR tool. Would you like to give CMS an earful about your Medicare contra... Read more
Item Focus:
M1860: Keep Details from Tripping You Up with Ambulation/Locomotion
Don’t hesitate to report ‘needs supervision’ even when your patient li... Read more
Remember these M1860 Assessment Tips
Do you know your therapy abbreviations? When it comes to answering M1860 — Ambul... Read more
Know What's at Stake with M1860
Don’t miss this opportunity to take credit for your patient’s improvement. ... Read more
Quality Measures:
CMS Increases Focus on Rehospitalizations
Take care with hospital discharges. Rehospitalization rates have been in Medicare&rsqu... Read more
Remember these Time-Tested Tips for OASIS Accuracy
Always consider what your patient can safely do. You spend countless hours making cert... Read more
Try Your Hand at this M1860 Scenario
Choosing your M1860 — Ambulation/Locomotion responses requires careful considerati... Read more
Watch for Diagnosis Changes in OASIS-C1
The ghost of M1024 is still lingering. As if you weren’t already busy enough kee... Read more
Look for these OASIS Items to Disappear in OASIS-C1
Say your final farewell to inpatient procedures. Your future will hold fewer “M&... Read more
General OASIS Conventions:
Keep Your Focus on the Current Assessment
No peeking at previous answers when describing current status. When selecting your OAS... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Break with ICD-9 Guidelines for Fractures in ICD-10
Watch for changes to malunions and nonuinions. One of the biggest diagnosis coding cha... Read more
Don't Give Up Aftercare Entirely
Take note of injury cause to choose the right code. While the ICD-10-CM code set does ... Read more
Industry Notes:
Watchdog Agency Targets Duplicative Vaccinations
Do your due diligence on whether patients have received a pneumococcal vaccination. A ... Read more
Item Focus:
M2250: Get Physician Buy-In Before You Mark 'Yes' for Plan of Care Synopsis
Consider item parameters carefully before choosing a response. OASIS item M2250 &mdash... Read more
Don't Miss Access and Safety when Scoring ADL Items
Know the 5 ADL items where instructions differ. Are you underscoring your patient&rsqu... Read more
General OASIS Conventions:
Master the Unknown
Don’t be too quick to choose ‘NA.’ Many OASIS items include an &ldqu... Read more
Process Measures:
Do Your Process Measures Reflect Your Practice?
Prevent your OASIS data from saying ‘We don’t do a good job.’ Your a... Read more
Know the OASIS Process Measures
See your OASIS responses at work. Medicare publicly reports 13 OASIS process measures,... Read more
Get the Latest on External Cause Coding
You won’t necessarily face major changes in this ICD-10 area. Good news: There&r... Read more
Check the Guidelines to Nail Code Choice
LCDs don’t always have the last word. Caution: Don’t count on the Local Co... Read more
Human Resources:
Boost Employee Performance With Positive Review Elements
Praise can be motivational. Are you making the most of performance appraisals in your ... Read more
Get Training On Conditions Of Participation, HIPAA Changes
Plus, catch up on reimbursement updates and requirements You can receive vital informa... Read more
Industry News
Watch Out For Face-To-Face Documentation Probe Payment for your subsequent episodes is... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Reverse Staging with Stage IV Pressure Ulcer
Question: At start of care (SOC), my patient had a closed Stage IV pressure ulcer. When ... Read more
Item Focus:
M0090: Report The Correct Date Or Risk OASIS Errors
Make use of the 5-day window with this item. You need only enter a date in M0090 &mdas... Read more
Check these M0090 Fast Facts
Don’t wait for diagnosis coding to enter your M0090 date. Like many OASIS items,... Read more
Update Your Understanding of Medical Restrictions
Learn how this restriction impacts transfer scoring. Unsure about whether you should c... Read more
Follow These Steps for Maximum ADL/IADL Accuracy
Stay current with OASIS updates. Answering the OASIS ADL/IADL items involves understan... Read more
General OASIS Conventions:
Get a Better Understanding of Assistance
Don’t limit assistance to hands-on. When an OASIS item refers to a patient&rsquo... Read more
Know 3 Keys to Recertification Success
Don’t let your agency get lax on the final OASIS step. Are the challenges of sch... Read more
Beef Up Your Recertification Documentation
Look back to find recert details. Completing assessments on time isn’t the only ... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Watch OASIS/Diagnosis Coding Interactions to Secure Case Mix
Accuracy is even more important in light of the M1024 changes. As of Jan. 1, the only ... Read more
Get the Truth About ICD-10 Myths
You won’t be seeing double in ICD-10. As the ICD-10 transition deadline draws ne... Read more
Industry Notes
Get the Latest OASIS-C Update The next set of revisions to OASIS-C are scheduled to t... Read more
Item Focus:
M1240: Are You Documenting Pain Appropriately?
Don’t stop with simply answering this pain assessment item. When completing an O... Read more
Cross-Check OASIS Responses and Diagnosis Codes for Maximum Accuracy
Are you documenting GERD interventions? If your OASIS responses and diagnosis codes te... Read more
Bolster Your Discharge Process with these Steps
Are you making one of these common discharge assessment errors? An accurate discharge ... Read more
ICD-10 Transition:
Take a Closer Look at Your ICD-10 Transition Strategy
Your current processes will make or break your success with ICD-10. The coming transit... Read more
Let the OASIS Guide Your Way to Reduced Hospitalizations
Skilled management and evaluation bridges patient care. Despite what you may have been... Read more
Care Strategies:
Boost Patient-Centered Care with these Techniques
Digital technology can help patients take charge of their health. Personalizing the ca... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Steer Clear of Low Vision Coding and OASIS Response Assumption
Listing a case mix low vision code can draw MAC scrutiny. Your OASIS responses may ind... Read more
Industry Notes
Missing OASIS Means Missing Out on Reimbursement Missing OASIS assessments might be mo... Read more
Item Focus:
M1910: Know Your Tools for Identifying Falls Risk
Avoid making this common fall risk assessment error. Before you can choose an accurate... Read more
2 Tips Keep Unexpected Transfers in Check
Education can prevent hospitalization. Unplanned hospitalizations can really trip you ... Read more
Follow Through with Fall Risk Interventions
Consider this unexpected consequence of high marks. Because M1910 — Fall Risk As... Read more
5 Elements Interact to Keep Your Claims Secure
Documentation is like money — you can’t have too much of it.’ An acc... Read more
OASIS Conventions:
Use Observation when Assessing Functional Status
Look to situational cues as you consider each OASIS item. The approach you take when d... Read more
Safeguard Observation and Assessment Claims with Strong Documentation
No OASIS means no payment in this edit. Your low case mix claims are under fire in NHI... Read more
Don't Get Caught up in these OASIS Myths and Legends
Relying on pre-set interventions could lead to denied claims. Some OASIS fairy tales a... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Dodge these Coding Landmines to Keep your Claims in the Clear
Watch for diagnosis matches between these key medical record components. If you’... Read more
Industry News
A New OASIS is on the Horizon Heads up: OASIS C-1 is on the way. The Centers for Medic... Read more
Item Focus:
M1040: Avoid these Common Flu Vaccine Mistakes
 Don’t miss the difference between payment episode and care episode. Three ... Read more
Put Your Flu Vaccine Reporting Skills to the Test
How would you answer these example scenarios?         Unde... Read more
Integumentary Items:
Follow Three Tips to Boost Integumentary Item Accuracy
Update: A traumatic wound can’t become a venous stasis ulcer. When you answer th... Read more
Wound Healing:
Healing by Primary or Secondary Intention? Know These Key Differences
Never answer "fully granulating" for wounds healing by primary intention. On... Read more
Overcome these Common Integumentary Item Stumbling Blocks
Debridement won’t turn a traumatic wound into a surgical wound. As a whole, mast... Read more
OASIS Conventions:
Check Your Understanding of these Ability Basics
Lend support to the services you provide with accurate ability assessments. Do you kno... Read more
Improve Outcomes with Motivational Interviewing
Being critical won’t motivate your patient to change behavior. Problem: You can ... Read more
PPS 2013:
Re-Think M1024 to Keep Case Mix Points
Bone up on disease processes to make sure you are not missing out on reimbursement. As... Read more
Get Expert Tips on the M1024 Changes
Can you prevent lost case mix points? The changes in M1024 will have a marked impact o... Read more
ICD-9 Coding:
See How OASIS and Coding Intersect with Neuro 1 Diagnoses
Don’t let poor documentation derail your reimbursement . The Neuro 1 case mix ca... Read more
Industry Notes:
Update Your OASIS-C Guidance Manual
Errata sheet adds clarification on wounds, incontinence. Don’t let OASIS-C chan... Read more
Item Focus:
M1350: Don't Let Your Patients' Wounds Fall through the Cracks
Here’s your chance to secure risk adjustment for wounds. You can earn case mix p... Read more
OASIS Conventions:
Know the Time Frame for Each Item
Do you know what counts as ‘recent past’? Knowing which time period to con... Read more
Is This Fall Risk Tool Appropriate for Your Agency?
Ask the right questions before making a change. Home health agencies struggling with a... Read more
HIPAA Compliance:
3 Tips to Safeguard Patient Data On Mobile Devices
Prevent unauthorized access or risk big fines. Recent breaches underline the importanc... Read more
These Expert Tips will Ease Your ICD 10-CM Transition
There’s no time like the present to get your ICD-10 plans underway. Taking the t... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Check Your ICD-10 Readiness
Don’t jump in head first with coding preparation. Next year’s transition ... Read more
ICD-10 Preparation:
Get to Know These ICD-10 Conventions
Not everything changes in ICD-10. While it’s too early to worry over all the int... Read more
Industry Notes:
Does Your Fall Risk Assessment Cover These Bases?
Don’t overlook environmental risks. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury ... Read more
Reader Question:
When Coding Logic and M1350 Conflict
Question: Our patient was hit by a metal swing and suffered a deep laceration to his low... Read more
Item Focus:
M1308: Don't Miss the Points for Pressure Ulcers
There’s no need to report Stage I or closed Stage II pressure ulcers for this item... Read more
Avoid These Common ADL Item Errors
Could your ADL item response send a patient to the nursing home? The OASIS ADL/IADL it... Read more
Try This Approach to Assessing Ability
Adjust your phrasing for more accurate answers. When it comes to completing OASIS item... Read more
Follow These Tips for Better ADL Assessment
Do you have an accurate understanding of all that’s involved in toilet transfer? ... Read more
PPS 2013:
Will Your M1024 Answers Pass Muster?
Fracture codes are the only acceptable M1024 diagnoses this year. The home health PPS ... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
Take 3 Steps with Coding for Infected Surgical Wounds
Must you always report a causative organism code? When coding for an infected surgical... Read more
2 Tips Help You Prevent Case Mix Loss
Don’t let this assumption do a number on your reimbursement. While you can no lo... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
ICD-10: Seven Digit ICD-10 Codes Mirror ICD-9 for Infected Surgical Wounds
Remember to list an additional code to describe the infection. The codes you report fo... Read more
Industry Notes:
Industry Notes:
Take Advantage of New OASIS Training Resource CMS has posted a new OASIS web based tr... Read more
Item Focus:
Heed These Expert Tips to Master Complex Pressure Ulcer Reporting
Agency-wide consistency is the key for accurate pressure ulcer reporting. The OASIS pre... Read more
PPS 2013:
Brace Yourself: CMS Moves Forward with M1024 Changes
PPS 2013 clarifies and changes resolved condition reporting. Come Jan. 1, the way you a... Read more
Get the Background on the M1024 Changes
When the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released the 2013 home health pros... Read more
Brace Yourself for HIPPS Code Assessment Data Validation Edit
Is your agency missing vital claim error data? Your OASIS data is about to get another ... Read more
ICD-9 Coding:
Don't Jump to Conclusions with Psych Diagnoses
Avoid edits for Alzheimer's disease. You can earn additional case mix points for patien... Read more
Tally Case Mix Points for Psych Diagnoses
You can earn additional case mix points for patients with Psych 1 and Psych 2 diagnoses.... Read more
Industry Notes:
Make these ADR Deadlines Or Throw Away Cash
Caregivers Make a Difference in Rehospitalization A new study confirms what many home c... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Margins When Two Pressure Ulcers Become One
Question: When we admitted our patient, she had two distinct pressure ulcers in close pr... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch Confusion Build in M1710
Question: Our patient was confused both when encountering a new situation and on awakeni... Read more
Available Years:  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002