Answer: Depending on the extent of the frontal exenteration, 31080 (sinusotomy, frontal; obliterative without osteoplastic flap, brow incision [includes ablation]), 31081 (... coronal incision), 31086 (... nonobliterative, with osteoplastic flap, brow incision) or 31087 (... coronal incision) will apply. Because you indicate that a fat graft is placed in the sinus (the sinus is obliterated), 31080-31081 is the correct choice. Report the fat graft separately using 20926 (tissue grafts, other [e.g., paratenon, fat, dermis]). If a return to the operating room was necessary during the 90-day global period of the initial surgery (the craniotomy), apply modifier -78 (return to the operating room for a related procedure during the postoperative period) to the appropriate CPT codes. |