Neurosurgery Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Syrinx Diagnosis

Question: Our physician assigned a diagnosis of "syrinx C2-T8." How should I code this?

Nevada Subscriber

Answer: Syringomyelia, or SM, is a rare developmental (often congenital) disorder in which cerebrospinal fluid enters the spinal cord and forms a cavity, called a syrinx, hydromyelia or syringohydromyelia. The syrinx can expand and elongate, damaging the spinal cord and the nerve fibers within it. Symptoms include loss of sensitivity, especially to hot and cold, muscle weakness and spasticity, motor impairment, loss of bowel and bladder control, and even osteoporosis and scoliosis. Many patients also have headaches and chronic pain.

The appropriate ICD-9 code to describe syrinx is 336.0 (Syringomyelia and syringobulbia).

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